Pot: Kettle
Brazil first, Australia 2nd and hopefully EU third nail in the coffin for that clown’s platform
Oh, X is banned in Brazil and Australia? Or what happened in those countries?
Banned in Brazil, forced to pay 10% of global earnings per day until stopping misinformation posting in Australia.
10% of global earnings? Isn’t it losing money? Makes it sound like they’re paying him.
X is forbidden from offering services in Brazil until and unless it complies with the local courts (the company refused an order to suspend some accounts, then wouldn’t appoint a local representative as Brazilian law requires). Local ISPs are required to block it. I don’t know about Australia.
Of course, of course. The people fighting against fascism are always the real fascists. According to the fascists, anyway.
I’m not sure that word means what you think it means, Elon. Regulating scam sites is a pretty typical government thing.
Good thing he gutted Twitter’s content moderation teams in the name of “free speech”, eh?
If I had a dollar for every time a billionaire loses more money than I could ever dream of because their hubris got in the way or they misunderstood a concept or were just plain dumb – well, I guess I’d be a billionaire too.
stop proposing and just do it. if they don’t pay; then ban twitter from operating in your country. enough tip-toeing.
So, we’re not doing Section 230 anymore ?
So, are we giving the right to twitter, no, the mandate, to delete everyone we and they don’t like ?
I mean, this is what’s going to happen and is already happening. Just the most powerful people on earth become the arbiters of Truth ?
Like, isn’t anyone else seeing this is bad ?
I mean, the worst outcome possible that we’ve seen coming for 40 years kind of bad ?
I think just kill all social media, would be a much preferable solution. Maybe cut every optic fiber instead !
Just don’t give these monsters that power, I think global thermonuclear war is a cakewalk compared to this prison we’re building around us.
So, we’re not doing Section 230 anymore ?
That’s a part of a US law, and as such doesn’t throw a shrimp on the bar-b in Australia, mate.
“They go low, we go high! Let’s give the people who want to one day undo freedom of speech the freedom to spread misinformation, so they can undo freedom of speech one day.”
One thing I had to learn through the years of my life, if you turn the other cheek, you might make someone flinch the first or second time, but after a while, they’ll be expecting you turning the other cheek for the second punch, and call you “uncivil” and “unfair” the very moment you don’t turn the other cheek. Just replace the “turning the other cheek” with the whole “they go low, we go high” mantra.