who the fuck watches shit like this
I imagine they’re just getting screamed and mewled at by 20 sheeple dipshits.
I wonder who is going to get SLAMMED with fact and logic?
I can survive 19, but one more is the final straw
Would you rather fight one Republican-sized duck, or 20 duck-sized Republicans?
God I wish that was me.
No no no…I want to be put in a room with 20 conservatives and be given complete immunity from the consequences of what I say. They’ll find out what bullying really means.
They’ll hear hot takes I don’t even believe in but will say anyway because it will make them shit and piss all over themselves trying to figure out how to respond before giving up and start shouting slurs.
My face when I tell them we should abolish the police and shoot anyone who used to be a cop: