There may be dodge ram drivers that aren’t pricks, but the majority of them are pricks. My neighbor just acquired a Dodge ram to add validity to this equation. He was pressure washing it before sun was through the windows on a Monday morning.
I am a bit lost, the articles title is “Driver faces hit-run homicide in Marion County bike crash”. This seems to not put any blame on the cyclist. It seems much like any time a car hits and kills something, what am I missing?
what am I missing?
That fleeing the scene of a collision is an offence in and of itself. Fault doesn’t play into it.
what am I missing?
Some people get upset about the emphasis on the victim’s vehicle. Title ends with: “Media calls it a ‘bike crash’.” They seem to imply the title implied the bike was at fault. Victim blaming.
Other people disagree and see the inclusion of “bike” as useful information, to differentiate from car-to-car crashes.
I think you’re reaching for something to be angry on this one. I read the title as “[car] crash [involving a] bike”. Shorthand is not at all uncommon in headlines, which need to be snappy. They’re not trying to frame the incident as caused by the bike or anything.
Exactly. Car crash makes people think of only cars. Bike crash would imply a bike and car.