this is inaccurate, dog food is more nutritious for dogs than cereal is for humans. the closest human equivalent of dog food is probably textured vegetable protein.
I…never realised that was a product. Is it just like a big blob of ravioli stuck together or are they in some kind of premade sauce too?
Cooking is my main way to destress after work, I love to make pasta especially, so I might pass. But hey, if someone doesn’t have the time and wants a quick snack, no judgements. Though the official website of the product having a 2/5 review score is pretty yikes.
I just didn’t know they existed, but I suppose everything that can be premade has been by now.
🐶 Its good, tho
That’s what the milk is for you dry cereal eating psychopaths.
Dry cereal? Dog food. Wet Cereal? Human food.
Is dog food high in sugar and marketed towards puppies with colorful characters? Probably idk, I’m not a human food expert or a dog food expert, someone drop a smart 🤓 comment in here with articles and sources on hybrid fruits
I’ve actually seen some dog food that is multicoloured with the kibbles made into “fun” little shapes, not that dogs care about that.
Kibble is supposed to be designed to have all of a dogs nutritional needs met so I don’t know why they’d bother making the food look a certain way.