Men aged 35-64 are Trump’s leading demographic. Republicans control nearly 100% of talk radio.

14 points

Maybe some would disagree with me on this, but I don’t see that big of a benefit in trying to reach Trump voters anymore. Anyone who actually could be persuaded by facts or logic would have been done already. If you’re still voting for Trump in this election, then it’s quite clear you left fact or reason a long time ago.

5 points

I disagree, but only in theory. lol. There’s that one dude that deprograms KKK members. It’s always possible but you’ll notice it gets harder the more involved in the cult you are, and of course others want to help you less and less

So I think it’s possible, but we’re just not capable of doing it so it’s probably not worth relying on it as a real tangible means to accomplish our political goals. I’d liken it to having a schizophrenic uncle that no knows how to help and no one in the family believes in doctors or medicine.

There’s probably a way to help trump cultists but it would take levels of compassion and understanding that simply don’t exist in great capacity, especially in the US

4 points

I’ve seen that post a few times myself. I do agree with everything you say, actually. I was thinking more along the lines of targeted ads on radios to appeal to Trump supporters when I make that comment. As for talking to these individuals one on one? Let’s just say I fall into that group of people you characterized as not having enough compassion and understanding to empathize with them.

8 points

91%??? Huh???

I call bullshit on radio’s breadth.

Maybe if you include podcast and Internet streams, am and FM, and there’s barely talk radio on FM stations.

What is the duration of listening to the radio?

I haven’t actively listened to the radio in over a decade, that’s even despite by truck only having radio input (I have a portable Bluetooth device I listen to in the vehicle).

Hell 8 years ago I had a job that was 95% on the road and I didn’t listen to the damn radio. All it is is the same 20 songs whatever the station was oriented to, and advertisements 25% of the time.

4 points

I’ve been saying this for years. I did field work all over a 7 state region and went to a bunch of out of the way places. Once you get out of the urban and suburban areas, the FM stations drop off and all there is to listen to is AM. Fucking iHeart Radio is king there.

3 points

It works. Every weekday, all across America, people get into their cars and drive to or from work listening to the radio; as the nation’s largest statistics organization, Statista, notes, “During an average week in September 2020, radio reached 90.9 percent of all American men aged between 35 and 64 years of age.”

Radio engages, persuades, and informs — and, when done right, builds trust. And the first rule of politics is that trust wins elections.

In politics, just a few points usually decides winners and losers — and talk radio has reliably delivered that incremental edge to the GOP for three decades.

Democrats must get into the talk-radio game. As the old saying goes, “You can’t win if you don’t play.”


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