Hi all!
It seems I’m just too stupid to set the preferred/required languages in Sonarr/Radarr.
I’d like to have English, if German is not available - or maybe just a version with both.
I’ve looked through the trash guides and setup a custom format. But shouldn’t that already trigger re-downloads for my stuff or do I need to activate this custom profile somehow?
Sorry, but after paying around for some time, I feel pretty much lost…
Thanks for every hint and help!
Usually with the arrs, downloads are not triggered by setting changes. If it sees a movie OE show that you have monitored, which matches better, it will download it. However, you can trigger a manual search.
So over time you may get them gradually depending on how popular they are. For anything you want now, you’d need to search. Depending on your library size, you can trigger a search for all, but that risks huge amounts of data and space usage immediately.
Thanks, that makes sense
But also newly added/searched stuff only appears in English
Not sure, if they really are only available in English or if I did something wrong…
I feel your pain. It seems these apps have been built by monolinguists, and the language preference/requirement you mentioned are more of an afterthought than, for example, quality/resolution preferences.
For subtitles, at least, a bilingual family needs to have two separate instances of bazaar.
Of course, that’s less than ideal when you start talking about two entire video files when all you want is an additional audio stream.
I’ll be checking back here hoping you’ll find a solution.
That’s how it should work:
But somehow I can’t get it to work correctly.
Maybe I’ll just try again and check if I missed something