-3 points

Wanting the lesser of two evils on one issue to win is not the same as co-signing an entire party’s agenda.

I genuinely don’t understand how participation in democracy became conditional on 100% agreement on every issue. If you want a party to agree with you 100%, start a local party and run for local office in a non-presidential election.

Voting is supposed to be a civic duty, not a popularity vote and certainly not a purity test. Pull the lever and let the train hit one person instead of fucking everyone and everything. It’s not an intellectual exercise right now.

What is President Trump II / President Vance going to do about climate change? Women’s health? Concentration camps for immigrants? Future elections? Just please be reasonable and realistic.

27 points

your right, thats why i wrote up this swing state election guide for leftys

3 points

Wanting the lesser of two evils on one issue to win is not the same as co-signing an entire party’s agenda.

Meanwhile, in the screenshot: “Yes my life is more important than Palestinians… FUCK THEM!!!” Truly the words of someone who doesn’t support their party’s genocidal agenda.

I genuinely don’t understand how participation in democracy became conditional on 100% agreement on every issue. If you want a party to agree with you 100%, start a local party and run for local office in a non-presidential election.

Motherfucker: the dems are in 0% alignment with my stances on any issue. Whatever think tank lanyard wearer cooked up this weaksauce talking point needs to be fired.

Voting is supposed to be a civic duty, not a popularity vote and certainly not a purity test. Pull the lever and let the train hit one person instead of fucking everyone and everything. It’s not an intellectual exercise right now.

You’re pulling out all the lib cliches today, aren’t you? “Fucking everyone and everything” is going to be hit by that train just as surely if you pull the lever for the demonrats. Everyone who isn’t a demonrat shill knows this.

What is President Trump II / President Vance going to do about climate change? Women’s health? Concentration camps for immigrants? Future elections? Just please be reasonable and realistic.

The adults in the room know that K-dolf Hitler won’t be any better on any of those issues than Drumpf the felon.

29 points

What has Biden done for climate change, women’s health, concentration camps for immigrants, or future elections? He’s lifted environmental regulations, failed to codify abortion rights, continued and extended concentration camps for immigrants, and allowed a law to be passed that gives the president immunity from prosecution.

The dems are literally as bad as the republicans, and on top of all that they have been grinding Ukraine into paste as part of a proxy war and are assisting Israel in a genocide.

As an outsider looking in the Reps look like a harm reduction party. For one thing they might hasten the collapse of the blight on the world that is the USA. The Dems are just war crazed lunatics.

32 points

A vote for Kamala is a vote for genocide. You can “lesser evil” it as much as you want, but there’s no denying it. If you can compromise on that on a personal level, then sure vote blue. But for many that’s one thing that they cannot legitimise by voting for it.

31 points

I genuinely don’t understand how participation in democracy became conditional on 100% agreement on every issue.

Why do you feel like they deserve your vote by doing nothing to earn it. Also the issue that they arent in 100% agreement on with some voters is a FUCKING GENOCIDE

16 points

Not supposed to be a popularity vote?

Mask-off democracy hater.


I genuinely don’t understand how voting for harris is good so i won’t do it no matter how many confused liberals come slurring and stumbling thru here


Trump and Harris agree on every policy you mentioned, as well as one you didn’t: they both love genocide.

14 points

I genuinely don’t understand how participation in democracy became conditional on 100% agreement on every issue.

You should end your entire post on just “I genuinely don’t understand”. If it is genuine that is, because how fucking moron you would have to be to not understand we are communists, we have literally hundreds and thousands of reasons to not support this or that wing of the US capitalist party. Genocide this obvious was the last straw for a lot of people and this include people that are not communists but anyone who have any shred of functional conscience. Your fucking country, after 80 years of slowly becoming nazi, finally arrived at the position. And its society reaction to this, is exactly like the German society reaction in the 30’s.

14 points

It’s not reasonable to vote for the party that is burning children alive, you fucking mutant.

14 points

I’m not gonna remove this post or ban you because I sincerely hope that you will take these replies to heart and do some introspection while leaving it up so as to provide an example of the smug condescending bullshit we are all tired of from you gormless liberals.

18 points

If you can compromise on genocide you can compromise on everything, so your judgment on anything; moral, practical or otherwise is absolutely useless, a person like you in occupied Europe would’ve been a quisling, justifying german rule as being preferable to open warfare

If a political party can commit and justify genocide, it can commit and justify any crime, which makes that party a threat to all groups vulnerable to genocide. It also sets a precedent that allows all political parties to more easily justify oppression and crimes against humanity

It also poisons and destroys solidarity and trust between different communities, since one group can now rightly say “you voted for the genocide of my people, why should I give a rats ass about you” as a result working class movements are obliterated wholesale and campism becomes the rule of the day, who knows maybe you’re a nihilist who likes that state of affairs

I gotta say I find moral cockroaches like you extremely tedious, you dont care about the lives of real people, it’s all just a team sport where anything goes, mass murder, sa, racism, who gives a shit just issues, you engage with politics like this because you believe you’re invulnerable to the fascism you’re helping to generate, news flash you’re not

Do everyone a favor, when you slither into this site, learn to shut the fuck up, lurk and read and try your very best to deprogram the fascism eating away at your mind, thank you :)

11 points

The lesser of two evils, when done over and over again with no discernable pushback, turns into a larger and larger evil over time. They only look substantially different if you have the memory of a worm, or refuse to look at the long-term picture.

Voting is supposed to be a way for the people to exercise their preferences on their government, not some race-to-the-bottom where the party changes but the policy (foreign wars and interventions, neoliberal approach to healthcare and education, funding police, bailing out banks) stays largely the same.

If you believe the political system is beyond critique or opposition, and that citizens have a duty to their officials rather than vice versa, you are already an authoritarian and an opponent of democracy.

What have Biden and Harris done about climate change (besides set aside more oil for drilling)? Women’s health (letting Roe v. Wade slip)? The only change in immigrant detention was that they kept whole families together in the camps instead of separating them. And in terms of elections, they made crowned a nominee who won 0 primaries.

Republicans are bad but Democrats are a total red herring. There’s no easy way out, because the same forces are acting on each party, with a little bit of kayfabe as distinction.

11 points

If we can’t agree 100% on genocide being bad then they’ve lost the plot. And speaking of purity tests the dems are smearing people in congress criticising this as anti semites. Cori bush was fucked over due to this. Saying not voting is a vote for trump isn’t a purity test? Plenty criticising the US empire being branded as a Russian bot isn’t a purity test? Jill stein being called a russian asset isn’t a purity test? Lets ignore that the issue you’ve said is a purity test is an ethnic cleansing coming on the back of a brutal apartheid where not even the bare minimum was done. What is done is the US cutting funding on the UNRWA that was for desperately needed food and covering up obstruction of food transport by the admin. It aint just Gaza btw but this is an example of whats wrong with this admin

29 points

Emotionally what it boils down to is that they’re mad Palestinians in the middle of their genocide dared to interrupt and spoil their favorite political sport

23 points

They’re sending this via text, because they know if they said it in person they’d be getting punched in the face for being a nazi.


and not depend on other people

Like the Zionists depend on ?

This person not only is a rightwing nationalist little whiner, but also is too slavishly pignorant to have awareness of why there is struggle in and about the US specifically over it.

80 points

Now THAT is a scratched liberal…

17 points

46 points

Do campaign volunteers not even have a bare minimum of guard rails up to stop them from texting some unhinged shit to voters?


in fairness this just says a DM from a kamala supporter. I thought it was a voter campaign text thing too at first because a lot of those get posted but double checked. So it’s a random on social media essentially
