Reddit migrator here (shocking, I know)

Just wondering because I found out about all this yesterday and just realized the ammount of independent servers, but no sign of any ads or sponsors. So… is it all based on donations?

Also don’t just lurk, if you know you should answer because lemmy only counts users who posted or commented as active users.

29 points

It takes money to run, but it doesn’t need money to “be”.

Imagine a group of people rent a building to hang out in; of you’re a regular you chip in some bucks. Lots of people, a few bucks each, roof over your head.

Get out of that “free” mindset. It was a trap all along. Some of us old pharts have known this, some of us (not me) have been coding stuff like Lemmy and other open software all along.

Right away i knew was viable; I’m gladly paying 5 bucks/mo! No ads! No corporate extraction of personal data!

Hell, pay TWO bucks a month. Seriously wtf 2 bucks you could lose and not notice.

19 points

Yup. You can be profitable without expecting to get rich. The insane corporate expectations of “20% growth every year forever” directly leads to the enshitification of everything it touches, especially social media.

1 point

You can pay in Lemmy? New user here. It is confusing enough to understand the concept of federation.

1 point

I’m sure popular instances have setup Patreon accounts and the like for donations. Each instance is (essentially) being run by some person. It’s just someone who decided it was worthwhile to set it up. They probably started with a small server in the cloud. At the start, it might have been free. But as more people join/interact, it starts to cost money. So the owner of an instance probably looks to the community to keep it running.

It’s cheap to run, but it does still scale with the number of uses. So, it’s very fair to have a place to ask for donations to keep an instance running without burdening the person who ownsit.

27 points

Why does everything have to be for profit?

18 points

This is the real question we have to ask ourselves. We really need to move away from looking at the internet as just a resource to extract money from, and instead see it through a social lense again. Look what late stage capitalism has done to our digital, social gathering places. Almost everything has become a product that needs to be profitable, to compete for attention and to extract as much data from users as possible and discourse has suffered greatly from it. I mean billions are donated to content creators simply because people want to contribute. Why stop there? We can shape the internet the way we want if we simply contribute and put our heads together. We don’t have to make a profit. That’s our strength.

5 points

I like this take.

Due to life circumstances, I basically live on the internet, and have since the late 90s. My first comment on here was about how I support socialized social media.

I want to go back to a time when I could actually talk to random people, and have meaningful discourse, even if it isn’t as big of a community or as content-filled. I want my social space to be interactive, not passive.

Profit-seeking models push for passive consumption rather than actual meaningful engagement. I’d much rather have a non-profitable platform that people keep alive because they want the same thing I do. I’ll donate to it, as long as it stays that way.

23 points

They’re not - Some instances have a clearer funding structure than others. I picked in part because they have a clear source of donations.

5 points

The open collective link goes to Mastadon world. Is it related to I look on website, and I don’t see a clear link to funding.

11 points

Run by the same people. Donations to that link are used for both.

Some have raised concerns about wanting to fund one but not the other (e.g. earmark their donation to Lemmy but not Mastodon) but the admins said they weren’t gonna do that yet.

22 points

One of the points of federated and decentralized social media is that there’s no need to profit. The concept is that communities are built by individuals instead of a central institutions and the communal gain is what incentivizes folks to host servers and participate. I see it as a similar ecosystem as the open source software community who constantly gives everything away for free because it serves the common good, enables faster innovation and widens the spread of knowledge that makes everyone more successful/efficient at the end of the day. If these decentralized social networks can provide the same level of benefit as Reddit, I.e. people adding “Reddit” to their search queries to get first hand answers, I think that’s the singularity point at which people will realize giant social network corporations are completely unnecessary. I can’t wait. Seems inevitable to me because the entire business model of the current centralized networks is unsustainable - part of the reason you see Reddit making such drastic moves regarding their API or Meta investing in anything and everything outside of social media or Twitter throwing unnecessary digital products at the wall and hoping people pay for some of them. Once decentralized social networks are mainstream the ad target pool is going to be greatly affected and these companies will collapse under their own weight if they haven’t pivoted to something else.

1 point

What’s the general consensus as far as fear for future profiteering? Right now these platforms are great because the are run by people who genuinely care. Do you think there is any risk of this growing so much that federated content reaches the front page of search engines, followed by advertisers wanting space here? Or what about risks like reddit gold which was initially just a fun add on, which then became a “temporary” paid feature, which ended as a full scale scam.

Anyway, I love what we have for now, I just want to know what everyone else is speculating for the future.

1 point

The thing with the Fediverse is that things like this aren’t really possible. The creators of Lemmy are pretty anti-capitalist, so the source-code won’t ever support ads.

An instance admin could try to modify it to incude Ad Sense, but the users would just reject that instance and move to a free one.

I personally wouldn’t mind premium features, like animated emotes and stuff for people that pay for monthly subscriptions, but again, things like that don’t work in the fediverse because they won’t be supported on every instance.

Maybe there will be some creative solutions that get made, but it’s highly unlikely due to how things are setup.

1 point

Meta, a well-known for-profig company are gearing up to join the Fediverse, reaction is mixed, some server operators seem keen on welcoming them, some cautiously optomistic while others want nothing to do with Meta at all.

In terms of paid features, might be a thing down the line but it will very from server to server. Cool extra statuses (e.g. Wow I’m a gold tier superstar supporter on this instance) likely won’t appear on other instances unless they decide to include something in the federation protocol that would display it.

21 points

I think this may be the wrong question. I am the administrator of a reverse engineered PS3 video game server, so it’s illegal for me to make a profit or any kind of revenue or donations from that platform. However, I maintain it for thousands of users simply because I and others enjoy it and want it to exist. That’s not a sustainable model for a business or for running something as gigantic as reddit, but it’s what I want and enjoy, and for right now it’s affordable, and I’m happy with that.

12 points

People like you make the internet a better place :)

3 points

Not counting the cost of your time, how much money do you spend on this server?

1 point

It costs me roughly $15-25 a month to host our game server, but I have other costs like our website that I’m dealing with as well, so taking all those other things into account and I’m probably spending something like $30 a month for now. I’m actively working to migrate my Wix site to WordPress to save money. Now, if we had thousands of concurrent users instead of like 30-40 concurrent users on a typical day, or if we needed significantly more storage, my costs would probably go up a lot. The growing storage and user count are both important things I’m thinking about carefully, because I imagine there might come a time I need to reevaluate our strategy

2 points


All things considered, spending $30 a month on a hobby is pretty good.


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