I don’t really see any websites that allow you to practice webdev skills asides from JS. Maybe ask the user to make like a project or a simple website with the things they want implement and have them rank it and stuff?

1 point

From some quick googling I found https://www.frontendmentor.io/. No idea if it’s any good.


Thank you, this is exactly what I wanted.

A place where you’re tasked to make webpages/websites.

(sucks they paywalled some of the assignments, but oh well)

0 points

HTML and CSS are pretty simple. It just requires a good deal of reading the manual.

Here are some links for reference:




If you want to post your website/web pages publicly, without having to pay for a domain, I highly recommend https://neocities.org/. A large number of people use that site as their testing ground, so it’s common to see websites with “under construction” GIFs and images on the homepage.

If you’d rather practice locally, you can use something like python to launch a webserver on your LAN and visit it with http://192.168.1.X (X being the last number provided by your device the server is running on).

You can find some instructions here: https://realpython.com/python-http-server/

It’s worth looking around at all the different websites on neocities, and also thinking about what you’d like to see personally as a form of self-expression. That’s how I got started, and it’s quite fun seeing where the project’s development takes you.


Thank you for the learning resources, but like I said in another comment, I wasn’t looking for learning resources. I’m looking for places where you can practice HTML+CSS, places that tasks you to make a website/webpage, as like practice/exercise.

I guess you’re suggesting me to try and replicate sites/webpages I may come across Neocities? (I heard of the place btw, I might make a site there soon)

As for hosting a webserver locally, I’m using the Live Server extension on VSCode (ok it’s VSCodium but still), will that be enough for now?

1 point

Small update: So I found something that may help you out a bit. It’s a resource with 40 challenges (code is provided if you choose to look at it) for different effects.

URL: https://blog.bitsrc.io/40-html-css-projects-for-beginner-2021-5bd01ff62361?gi=119d34df83af

There’s a lot in here that I haven’t experience in producing on webpages, so I may use it when I feel inspired to take another crack at it. Still not a Project Euler, unfortunately. Most people seem to just freestyle their web development to gain experience and practice.

Again, I apologize if this isn’t quite what you’re looking for.




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