Too embarassed to tell anyone I know IRL, but am excited for my new future. Been throwing alot of money with small things. PC, alcohol, movies (and im ashamed to say, funko pops). Recently i took the plunge and cut out alcohol in an attempt to get my life together, and i feel like i have a whole new start.
Invest in yourself.
If you like the job you have, see what career training will help you advance.
If you don’t like the job, invest in figuring out what career you do want.
Once you get to $10k it starts to matter where you put it - for example a managed fund will make it grow significantly faster than if you left it in the bank.
Congrats! I did a poor job managing finances in my 20s so it wasn’t until last year that I reach my first unclaimed $10k in savings. So don’t be embarrassed, you’re ahead of a significant number of your own age group.
Thinking back, there were many post on R*ddit where i would say to myself “this could have been in the drafts folder” or “this didnt need to be broadcast to the whole internet”. Now theres me, proud of an achievement, while someone else on the internet is probably thinking “this didnt need to be broadcast on the internet”.
But Im proud of what I did, and am optimistic for the future.
Invest in gold