The point of open carrying machetes is as a widespread protest movement.

So the basic premise is the national machete org is less lethal than tbe NRA and The Dickhead cops. So many cops have a penile haircut. Enough about that. This is best worn at night but on well lit streets. Every trans queer and self IDd oddballs, neurodiverse people should be macheted up n ready to giddy-up.

Of course this should remained shealthed unless someone tries you. it’s less likely with the machetes. Btw these are “ghost machetes.” they’re not traced. They’re a deterrant. Escalate to de-escalate homie.

I tend to film cops dealing with the unhoused. These guys all have knives on them. Legally they cannot be over 2.5in and confiscation and cutting em loose seems to be the cops’ play of any length. I keep a 3.5in spring assist on my keychain. If I’m going out late with low light I keep a 5in spring assist in case I fumble with the keys. That is completely concealed…

If stopped by cops explain the protest movement and if you’re light enough you’ll most likely get it confiscated. You might get a misdemeanor citation which may go on your record but nobody cares about misdemeanors which is what plea bargains are for … and that’s for overcharged with a felony.

Robberies tend to be point blank. You’re just as likely to thwak a potential armed robber as shoot him with your traceable gun and have to deal with BS… One thwak with the machete and if your face isn’t blasted off you let someone live. Maybe get a free gun. Maybe everything stripped off you or killed. Life is a series of gambles. Don’t carry near schools …

My sketch was too coked and jittery. It says NMA: If pepper pellets and tasers are less lethal so are machetes. I got this idea off a fat $20 bag of coke. Like over 300mg

We third world now.

Edit: Structure

8 points

Love Danny Trejo. He’s part of a generation of “b” movie actors who just had so much charisma and brought so much to film.

I’ve heard Danny has a rule; If he’s playing a bad guy he has to die at the end, because he doesn’t want kids to think he’s cool and they can go out and do the things he does in movies. Kinda sweet in a way.


No more half measures Walter.

Sorry to yuck your yum a bit, but if a cop sees a machete that to them is the same as a gun. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just join a left wing gun club instead like the John Brown Gun Club or the SRA


suicide risk tbh. Also I’m not sure I can legally own one. Plus the cost and time to learn is a hassle. I don’t wanna be caught with an illegal fireaerm. So plenty reasons.

14 points

If your machete is less-lethal than a firearm it’s either not sharp enough or you need to put in more time learning Escrima, Kali, or Tire Machet (apparently the Haitian machete fighting art that carried them to victory over the French). I notice that a lot of people don’t respect swords and think they’re harder to kill people with than guns. With a little technique and some upper body strength you should be able to open someone’s skull like a coconut with a good machete.

idk if this is a joke or not but you should be able to remove a limb with a sharp machete, a moderate degree of strength and fitness, and good edge control. |

That said, carrying a machete around in the US at least is a bad idea. You’ll just get shot by the cops. I’d strongly recommend carrying pepper spray. In almost all cases it’s much better than a knife and it’s usually better than a gun. You can keep fighting through a gun shot, but it’s much more difficult to keep fighting when your eyes are forced closed and you can’t breath due to the pepper spray. Aiming is less important, too, as you can just keep spraying until the attacker stops fighting. It also requires very little strength and coordination, and less practice than a gun and far less practice than a knife.

Knives should be a weapon of last resort. They’re not good at killing people, and you have to come to hand to hand. It’s entirely possible to stab the shit out of someone and they’ll take a few minutes, or even a few hours, to fall down. During that time they can hurt or kill you.

Seriously, pepper spray and pepper gel are great. Strong recommend.

Also - Tramontina makes good quality machetes for very reasonable prices. If you want to spend a few more dollars Ontario Knife Company also makes very good, sturdy, hefty machetes. I find the handle a little less comfortable than the tramontina blades though.

Also also - If you do decide to carry a machete don’t let that other hand be wasted. You can get very compact bucklers, basically a metal soup bowl with a handle, that can protect your off hand, deflect some blows, and makes getting punched in the jaw much less fun for the other guy. I have a very small buckler in my police riot kit to give me some kind of chance against an attacker with a knife. It’s far from ideal, I’d rather have a kite shield, but it’s small enough to fit in a backpack and no one knows what a buckler is so it’s less likely to be ID’d as a weapon.


I’m not a pacifist but I’ve given it plenty of thought and I can’t take a human life.

1 point

Pepperspray is bae, then.

7 points

Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.
