I will never understand this breed.
a lot of people don’t care about animals. they just want something cute to own and brag about.
or that it’s trendy and hip. like doodles. half the dogs at my park are doodles because they are a designer status dog breed.
They’re also prone to behavioral issues. It’s pretty funny how universally despised they are by veterinary professionals. I’ve never seen anything like it lol.
Imo the only humane thing to do is put them all down. Same with bulldogs.
Their entire existence must be suffering.
My mother in law has a bull dog, it’s existence is pain.
It can’t breathe right, it can barely see because of fat rolls on its head and skin tags on its eyelids, And it smells awful because of said fat rolls being hard to clean and keep dry.
I took my lab to the vet, and next to us was a bulldog, and it sounded like it lived in agony.
It’s breathing was incredibly laboured, it could hardly walk and the noises it made just * existing * were awful.
I overheard her saying he was much better, I dread to think of what worse looked like.
It won’t work. In fact, it would likely cause more of them to exist because black market.
There are a lot of healthy bully breeds, you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about.
I never get you folks. The vast majority of the ones I see are pretty happy love running around and typically aren’t bread to be flat enough to cause long term issues. Nothing that would leave me to believe we need to gas all of them because of suffering.
I work at a veterinary clinic. Most pugs that come in sound like they’re having a panic attack just from walking in the front door, their breathing is so bad. It’s abusive to breed dogs to struggle through life.
Friend of the family has two Pugs whom seem happy and energetic. Very energetic even, I get exhausted watching them lol
I guess they lucked out on having functional breathing tubes.
Co-worker at an old job had 2 pugs. Their eyes kept popping out of their sockets. It got to the point where she didn’t even take them to the vet anymore when that happened, she just popped them back in herself. She saw nothing wrong with this. In fact, during the time I knew her, those two pugs were elderly and eventually died. She then went out and got another.
I mean… wtf. Why would you support that?
The way I’ve heard it described “What if an alien race enslaved us and thought that people with down syndrome were their favorites and specifically bred that genetic trait because they liked it”. That’s similar to what people are doing with these pugs.
I think a better example would be asthma and a nose so small it can’t be used for breathing.