Headline screamed high tech low life to me!
damn so it isint big pharma putting microchips in people, it is big parma!
You are not allowed to eat, taste or smell this cheese as you don’t qualify for the refined cheese tastes. Please consider upgrading your food license at your nearest Wine-and-Parm Popupstore. We have sent you the location to your AR Display for your convinence. Have a great and productive day, Mr. Anderson!
So when all those conspiracy nut jobs said that Big Pharma will put microchips in you, they were just out by a letter!
They are being placed on the casein label, a food-safe label commonly used in cheese production, which is placed on the cheese wheel.
I really hope when someone buys a meal they arent being served the label of cheese with their pasta…
Next headline: Microchip Microsoft TOS to “personalize” your ad preferences while eating Amazon Basic Parmesan Cheese, brought to you by Nestlé