My main server is named Postulate (an idea that you assume for the sake of argument), my desktop is named Axiom (a proved postulate), and my backup server is named Corollary (an idea that follows from an axiom).
What are your computers named, and why?
i’m not good with names.
my server’s name is… server
Calculon - Workstation
Flexo - Gaming laptop
Bender - Intel Nuc/HTPC
Hmm my Synology NAS is called Syn, I need to find a more appropriate name for it.
Mine are also Futurama;
- Hypnotoad - Server
- Morbo - Desktop
- Nibbler - Laptop
having read all these other comments, i’m now feeling like i should come up with a more creative naming scheme… for what it’s worth, my phone is named bob
I don’t name my computers, but usually name my OS drive Brain and the media drive Pinky.
Servers and computers get Ankh-Morpork street names.
The robot vacuum cleaner is GLaDOS.