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A community for discussing the online dating app Tinder. Sharing conversations, reviewing profiles and more.

1. NSFW Posts

NSFW posts are allowed, but if you see a post violating any laws or this isntance’s rules please report it.

2. Personal Information

  • Images that contain personal information (phone numbers, addresses, Facebook accounts, unique/easily identifiable names, or other similar information) will be removed.

3. Bots/Ads/Fake/Spam

  • Posts of profiles/conversations with bots, ads, or fakes will be removed.

4. Literally begging for karma/mentioning /c/tinder

  • Posting a profile only because it mentions /c/Tinder or reddit/lemmy, asking for upvotes, or posts asking to hit the front page in order to get laid are all upvote whoring tactics.

  • This includes posts made to try to contact specific lemmy users from tinder. This kind of content is forbidden and will get you banned.

  • Asking for upvotes in posts and/or comments is also forbidden.

5. Personal Attacks / Harassment / Rudeness

  • Posts made to bully, and comments which are harassing a certain user or group of users, including slurs, may result in bans. Rudeness, hatred towards a group or groups of people, and acting like a jerk are prohibited. Personal attacks, slapfights, slurs, and other similar comments are not allowed.

6. Tinder Related

  • All posts must be directly related to Tinder or dating apps. Reactions (gifs or images), memes, related websites, and other non-dating app content will be removed. This community is for screenshots and stories directly relating to them.

Community stats

  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 2


  • 0


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