@JPthePirate has created their account 2 months ago (like many redditfugees) and created 40+ communities, only to never log back in. The communities are for the most part empty and completely unmoderated - and a lot of them are ā€œbrand namesā€ like the names of videogame studios (!bethesda, !blizzard, !devolverdigital, !activision) and somewhat popular videogames like !cultofthelamb and !diablo4.

Would it be possible to delete the ones that are completely empty anyway so that users who actually want to do something with those communities are able to create them from scratch?

31 points

The more normal transfer path is to offer to take over a specific community or communities by:

  1. Reaching out to the existing mod and asking to be added to the mod team.
  2. Documenting their lack of response after a few days or a week.
  3. Documenting the failure to abide by Lemmy world moderation guidelines: https://lemmy.world/post/424735 by linking spam or off-topic posts and to communities that lack rules/useful-sidebar-content, etc.
  4. Posting this info in !moderators@lemmy.world and offering to takeover moderation.

This is better than mass deletion because it keeps whatever small list of existing subscribers and post content intact across the transition. For moderation, Lemmy world admins will get notified of reports and can address anything that violates instance rules.

8 points

About the moderation guidelines ā€¦

  • Please create a sidebar with some contents, at least a description of the community and some extra rules when applicable

They did not do that even after 2 months.

  • Adding a banner and icon for the community makes it prettier. Please do.

They also did not do that, even tho it is an action that takes all of five minutes to do.

  • Every community needs enough moderators.

The only mod is simply not present, so noone is actually moderating.

People are a lot less likely to participate in a community if the first thing you notice is that the creator doesnā€™t give a sh*t about it. And like I explained in another comment, ā€œregularā€ users can not fix this - only a mod can add a banner, the sidebar, rules, featured posts etc. so even on the off chance that someone decides to post there despite the first bad impression, the community will continue to have that first bad impression anyway.

-6 points

A mod not answering a request would break which rule to report them under?

If these places are empty without posts, the moderation is being done since none is to be done.

6 points
  1. ā€¦create a sidebar with some contentsā€¦ At least some of these communities have empty sidebars.
  2. Every community needs enough moderators. A single-mod community is not ā€œenoughā€ for a healthy community because things can blow up when youā€™re asleep or away, even in a community that was previously inactive. If a community member reaches out to offer to join a single-mod teamā€¦ that contact warrants a response from the existing mod. Not necessarily to immediately accept the offer, but at least to discuss the possibility of extra mod coverage.
  3. Itā€™s just not at all true that if others arenā€™t posting thereā€™s no moderation work that could be done. Mods of inactive communities can jumpstart them by soliciting feedback on proposed rules, advertising them elsewhere, making scheduled discussion posts, and more. Some of these things can be done by a ā€œregularā€ community member as well, but if community members try to include mods in discussions about how best to promote the community and the mods ignore themā€¦ thatā€™s a sign that the community is abandoned.
  4. If a mod is notified that theyā€™re their community is about to get reassigned and they donā€™t respondā€¦ the community is definitely abandoned.

All of which is to say, there are lots of way to detect abandoned communities when post volume is low, and the process I highlighted is the standard way to request a takeover.

-6 points

Want to finish posting the rest of that sentenceā€¦?

Please create a sidebar with some contents, at least a description of the community and some extra rules when applicable

When applicable changes that entire premise! Itā€™s only applicable when itā€™s large enough to warrant.

One mod is perfectly fine for communities with posts of about once a week down to a day, not breaking anything there eitherā€¦.

Canā€™t have a discussion when no one else comments or posts! Youā€™re suggestion fixes to issues that donā€™t exist in these particular communities yet.

You also suggest that someone posts a bunch of rule breaking posts to make a pointā€¦ thatā€™s not going end wellā€¦ hey I just broke all your rules to point out someone else was, let me have their role! Lmfao.

Thereā€™s nothing to report the mods for until someone starts posting legitimately and proves they are. Buddy wants the communities without the initial legwork just to have to legworkā€¦? They arenā€™t posting themselves and want the communities? Does that make a shred of sense to youā€¦?

17 points

Hey there! Thank you for bringing this up! As the user @PriorProject@lemmy.world says, the normal route for community ā€œtakeoverā€ is to report them to us, and ask for the community that you want. I also see that you didnā€™t want any of the communities, but thanks for reporting it! Iā€™ve just now taken this up with the internal admin team :)

6 points

Thank you ;)

7 points

No problem!

10 points

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesnā€™t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !bethesda@lemmy.world, !blizzard@lemmy.world, !devolverdigital@lemmy.world, !activision@lemmy.world, !cultofthelamb@lemmy.world, !diablo4@lemmy.world

3 points

Good bot

-2 points

There is nothing stopping people from joining those communities no? I would see this as an issue if people were posting a lot but there was no moderation, but at the moment it seems like the issue is a lack of posts :(

-13 points

People can still post? Why does someone need to take over?

And if itā€™s empty what moderation is needed?

16 points

Abandoned communities discourage interaction. While it is technically possible for anyone to post there, why should anyone want to interact with a community thatā€™s been sitting empty for two months? If a theater is abandoned, then yes, visitors can technically sit down and look at the empty stage, but why should they want to do that?

It is less of an issue if there is an empty plot that anyone who wants to actively participate can build from scratch. As it is now, people will take one look at those communities and go ā€œeh, just lots of dead space and a mod that doesnā€™t care, no use in staying hereā€ and go elsewhere.

And moderating is more than just deleting posts for whatever reason. Banner, sidebar, rules, news, featured posts, advertising the community elsewhere, interacting with different instances etc. is also part of that, and a mod that hasnā€™t logged in since the day they created their account is not doing any of these.

-8 points

If thereā€™s no posts how is it abandoned? They could be waiting for posts, start posting before claiming itā€™s abandoned.

Itā€™s only empty since you also donā€™t post mate.

Whatā€™s there to mod until thereā€™s some content and users to mod? Just taking over a community isnā€™t going to suddenly make people active mate. Gotta fix problem one before barking about moderation.

You said it yourself, dead communities. They arenā€™t dead from moderation issues.

Also lots of mods use alt accounts, if thereā€™s no reason for me to log in to my alt for communities without interaction, why would I?

4 points

Whatā€™s there to mod until thereā€™s some content and users to mod?

And moderating is more than just deleting posts for whatever reason. Banner, sidebar, rules, news, featured posts, advertising the community elsewhere, interacting with different instances etc. is also part of that, and a mod that hasnā€™t logged in since the day they created their account is not doing any of these.

All of this has to be done before user-generated content shows up, or at least soon after. What the communities got instead, are 2 months of inactivity.


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