I was inspired by someone’s username and found this video. A video much like this one was one of the things that got me into studying physics to begin with over a decade ago.

The characteristic blue glow is caused by Cherenkov radiation, which is analogous to a sonic boom, but instead of a jet breaking the sound barrier, it’s charged particles moving faster than the phase velocity of light in a medium (normally water).

Pretty cool, I think.

2 points

Glad we have another nuclear enthusiast here! Funnily enough, even though I work in nuclear energy research and have seen several running reactors (Yay TRIGAs), I have never seen a startup. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for sharing!

Of course!

I’d love to hear about your research if you’re willing to share with us. Nuclear energy has always been an interest of mine, but unfortunately I’ve not had the opportunity to study in the field as the bulk of my education has taken place at a pretty small university with a limited physics program. I don’t know if it would be interesting for you, but perhaps you might consider doing a bit of a write up on what it is that you work on? Maybe even a bit of an AMA type thing could be fun if you’re into that.

1 point

Oh, that would be fun. I would have to be careful to maintain my anonymity or do it under an alt account though, since the field is fairly small.

Specifically I work in nuclear reactor materials R&D. I have worked on fuel, cladding, and structural materials for a variety of reactor concepts (existing LWR fleet and advanced reactors). I go from basic science on irradiation damage up to manufacturing processes and next-gen material development and deployment.

Sound interesting?


That sounds phenomenally interesting. In fact, it sounds a lot like what I had imagined myself doing with my education when I started my bachelor’s. So at least for me and my interests, I’d love to know more about what you do, as well as to hear about what your background is and how you found yourself where you are.

Of course it’s totally up to you whether or not you share, and if you do, to what extent. So don’t feel obligated to or anything. Also, I just created this community this morning and we have like, 10 subscribers at the moment, so I don’t know how interesting or rewarding it will be for you. Just know there’s at least one person here who wants to know more!

0 points

It is pretty cool.


That’s such a wicked picture. So scifi

2 points

This is the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) core at Idaho National Laboratory! My favorite ;)




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I’d prefer if we avoided posting pop-sci articles with ridiculous headlines, you know the ones: “New Research Suggests Some Black Holes May Actually be Quantum Tangles in the Fabric of Space-Time”

Please don’t post that here. If you’re not sure about an article, check if the title contains one or more of the following words: “black hole”, “wormhole”, or “quantum - something”. That’s normally a good indication that the article might be garbage.

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