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I think this is appropriate here!

‘I am a self-expressive person and I feel very confident with pink hair so I came up with a solution to keep the job and my hair’

178 points

I hope her creative resistance doesn’t get incorporated as part of the brand of her workplace.

EDIT: To the downvoters:

Brands have begun to incorporate some imperfections into their marketing. For example the Deutsche Bahn, our german railway company, are sometimes making jokes about how their trains are notoriously late. Are they making their service better? No. Or not noticeably so far. I think McDonalds have also made jokes about their broken soft ice machines and they did not do anything to make them more reliable. According to iFixit, they and the company making the machines have actively fought against a small company that wanted to make a tool to making fixing these machines easier.

So that’s why i hope that our wig-wearing heroine doesn’t just get incorporated into the marketing instead of being allowed to show her pink hair.

58 points

Yeah, the marketing version of “inclusiveness”:

“We are a great, hip and youthfull place to work: just look at *picture of male model with a hipster beard* Joe from Accounting”

(Reminds me of how since about first Tech boom, Tech companies would show to the Press and prospective candidates all the amazing facilities they have for employees to relax - fuzzball tables, relax-spaces with beanbag chairs, even indoor slides - but if you’re on the inside you quickly find out you’re expected to work 12h/day on a never ending sequence of death marches and you’ll never actually have time to use those “relax facilities”)

This kind of thing is the result of about the same process as their businesswise evaluation of complying with regulations: they usually conclude that the profit maximizing option is to provide the appearence of complying whilst internally and through less explicit methods (usually all in choices that aren’t explicitly justified) acting in a completelly different way.

If there is one thing companies have learned in the last 4 decades is that image managements is way cheaper (read: “profit enhancing”) than actually doing the right things and delivers pretty much the same results if in influencing those external to the company.

One can trust a corporation about as much as one can trust a known sociopath.

10 points

One a sidenote, I never got the point of e.g. xbox rooms and ping pong tables in offices. Why the hell would I want to relax in a place of work? I want to do my work, then go home (to relax). Playing 30 min video games in the afternoon would mean that happens 30 mins later.

5 points

picture of male model with a hipster beard* Joe from Accounting

Literally me.

Except for the accounting job… and being a model.

5 points

McDonalds does it on purpose to give work to the “technicians” that service the machines. They’re bogus simple issues like overfilling that lock the machine down until they use their service tool to clear it. Great doc by Johnny Harris if you have 30min to kill

100 points

dress codes have always been rooted in racism & sexism. there’s absolutely no reason a job should control your hair unless it disrupts business, not for “offending conservatives”

97 points

“They think this is better?”

Yes, they actually do. They’re probably conservative dickheads. They know that pink hair is code for “I am a tolerant and kind person; I might be gay but not necessarily; I support counterculture ideas.”

They hate the counterculture ideas. They don’t hate the color pink. Covering it up with a terrible wig makes it about something else.

Or anyway, so they think. What they’ve actually done is given her an opportunity to start conversations about the pink hair.

20 points

What they’ve actually done is given her an opportunity to start conversations about the pink hair.

Keen insight. I wouldn’t have known she exists otherwise.

6 points

They’re probably conservative dickheads.

Hah! It doesn’t even take that. All you need is a middle-management who doesn’t support the rights of their workforce, is inconvenienced should a customer gin up complaints about OP’s hair-color (whatever it is), and is generally just lazy and indifferent, learning from upper mgmt that growth & profits are 99% the things that count, followed by limiting liability situations. The workers themselves are just an inconvenient expense in the equation.

32 points

Capitolist have controlled out bodies for far too long.

27 points

Can she wear a pink wig?

19 points

Probably not, in a previous job my hair (wig or real) had to be a “natural” colour.


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