At Tennocon, DE mentioned that they would be making some QOL changes to warframe like pets no longer permanently dying and auto-melee. Are there any other QOL changes that you would like to see added to the game?
Being able to see if the prime parts are a part of a something ive already made/mastered in the ducats vendor.
Can’t tell you how many times ive had to exit out of the shop, open my profile, and search search for the weapon to see if its ok for me to sell its parts.
Not the biggest issue probably, but its kinda irritating.
The ability to pin inventory items so I can’t accidentally sell them.
I have a few prime sets in my inventory I’d like to safekeep. After a long day of cracking relics, I just want an easy way to sell everything else.
I want to be able to put forma per load out, instead of it applying to all load outs.
Fast travel in iron wake… Cmon, this place exists, DE
Fast travel to baro when he arrives.
Also, why can’t each MR give a Warframe slot? Yeah, that.
Fortuna rework to make the grind less tideous (or just remove fortuna, both work for me).
Treat duviri as an open world, saving all the drops you got in duviri, even if you quit out
I hope they touch on Fortuna/Vox Solaris standing with their “Optimizing Grindwalls” point, Toroid farming was a pain back when I originally completed it (I remember abort farming Debt Bonds if the first stage was a quick mission, so it wasn’t too bad when I did Fortuna).
As for Forma, I would like either Universal Forma or the ability to reforma a slot for an extra polarity. This would definitely help with my hoarding problem when I have multiple builds that can’t fit on the same weapon/warframe.
Ability to display certain ability duration/buffs near the aiming reticule (something like what Harrow gets for his healing caused during Peneace) so I don’t have to constantly keep looking to the bottom right or top right. With how many Arcanes we have that rely on procing/have CDs and how often Warframes have some buffs that need constant maintenance this would be massive help to reduce the eye strain while using those.
Just general buff icon customization, please and thank you. I keep losing my buffs among the cluster all at the top of the screen. I keep losing track of the timer on my buffs. I keep forgetting which symbol is which.
It would be nice if I could make the buffs that come from me colored different than the ones that come from allies, and if I could toggle whether the name is always displayed, displayed then fades, or if the name or icon of certain buffs just never displays at all.
It might mean they need to figure out how to even parse such a huge list, though…
Not having to put in my password for every login on PC
I’d probably be lazy and bind some random words + numbers to num pad and use it as a “pin” to enter passwords. At least then I could log in quickly with only a few key presses instead of needing to retype a longer password because I made a typo and have no idea where it happened. It still doesn’t solve accidently entering a password somewhere else if you weren’t paying attention to where your cursor was focused.
*And I know GW2 has come up as an example a few times before with being able to write a script to automatically log in.