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Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight The quote from Doctor Faustus which acts as the epitaph on it’s author’s grave.

Above that quote is “At this spot lie the mortal remains of Christopher Marlowe who met his untimely deaht in Deptford on May 30 1953.”

Christopher Marlowe, by some accounts a spy, by others the “real” Shakespeare died in Deptford, London when he was stabbed in the eye with a knife in a pub on 30 May 1593.

Taken with in the afternoon on 30th May 2023 with a Lomography Simple Reloadable camera (f/11 + flash, 31mm, 1/120s) on Kodak Gold 200 ISO film developed at a +1 push. The flash caught the plaque and roses nicely, you can see just above that the local university students often leave pens resting by the grave in tribute to the author.

Taken by Ali Raheem (@ali on, and available at

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