They come right out and say they can collect and share your sexual activity, health diagnosis data, and genetic information
Dude what the fuck
I would like to know specifically how a car company can collect sexual activity and genetic information. The genetic information thing really sounds like FUD.
Not to mention some of the other information listed like sleep patterns. How do they get that data?
I could see certain accessibility settings of cars such as color blind settings, bold text, even physical personalization ordered for the car based on hereditary or not genetic conditions falling into that category.
Some companies will find that information useful for ads I suppose.
As mentioned in another comment, the link takes us to the parent page where you can choose a brand (and presumably then, a model) of car to learn about.
I noticed that Mazda isn’t included among their brands so I sent a suggestion, thank you! I didn’t know that they provided privacy support for so many devices - they even have the Nintendo Switch in there and all kinds of categories:
I also noticed Mazda wasn’t on there. Doesn’t even come up in a search. Does that mean they’re more respectful of privacy?
What would you need to do to make a car dumb? Remove all connectivity chips? ECU swap? Flashing custom software?
Usually, the efficient goal oriented are dumb enough like ebikes. I am guessing investing in Aptera would be a great option for a to b daily driving. Aside from that, custom computer to control the car is the most logical step until you get into electric or hybrid type vehicles where the aftermarket is not big enough. Removing wireless connectivity fuses are another option but I don’t know if a service shop will connect the fuses defeating your privacy. Also a phone app will always be anti privacy. Make sure to get products without apps or wireless connection capabilities as manufacturers start preventing you from using products without registering it with an app first.
laughs in 1988 Volvo
2009 vibe.
Other then the 420 error. My car doesn’t tell anyone anything.