if you call me a fed I’ll call you a double fed who feds on the feds

0 points

The Reality Of Feds in Organizing

Every single org is going to have feds in them. Work around the bastards, keep them busy, and expect that ultimately they will probably compromise your group. At that point, you’ll need to move on to your next project with one or two people you trust.

Orgs collapsing is close to inevitable in the imperial core. The Feds are lazy and terribly incompetent, but alsp have billions in funding. If an org doesn’t collapse from wreckers and you present a real threat to empire, then they will eventually just start murdering you and everyone you trust until it does.

Fed-jacketing is an effective tool that feds ironically use to paralyze groups and remove figures that are threatening to them before they can gain momentum.

The trick is to inoculate your org from the beginning and mininize the behavior and damage the feds can inflict by having clear standards of behavior that you expel anyone shitty for. Treat anyone disruptive and incompetent the same way you’d treat a fed because there is no difference.

The 3 goals of a socialist in the imperial core

In my opinion, the three things that actually matter in the core are:

Goal 1: improving material conditions for the people who are suffering

Goal 2: through goal 1, raising class consciousness to create more comrades

Goal 3: with goal 2, slowing The Machine so it becomes even more ineffective and harms less people (in both the core and the periphery).

Join an org

join the best org you can that is doing goal 1 sufficiently well. Do not get choice paralysis, just pick one that seems decent. Will probably be DSA to start since they generally work with everyone. If you find out an org is SWERFs/ TERFs/ or another type of cult, then you can always leave.

You don’t even have to “join” to begin with, just pick a local org and attend a meeting or event. That’s it, just do something this weekend for an hour or two.

You’ll gradually meet other people “who get it”. Eventually, you’ll wind up in an even better org when that one splits / collapses / or you find one you like more.

There is no such thing as a perfect org, you will always have people to work around when you are doing work for The People.

Conclusion (A Call To Action)

All Power To All The People. The beast is dying. Lift our brothers, sisters, and siblings out of the stomach acid so they can heal and then also help in the work. Do not let the feds feed you doom.

Join an org and get started. You’re on this site, so you’re ready.

1 point

I love it.

It’s also worth mentioning that no one knows exactly what the organization that ends up toppling the Empire is going to be, but we all ardently want it to happen. We need to see it as an ecosystem, where we might have differences of identity or structure or whatever minutiae but we’re all pushing in the direction of dismantling capitalism and minimizing the domination and objectification of humans by other humans.
