Welcome to the first daily thread for this corner of the world.
I’ve used lemmy-post-bot to generate this post as helpfully suggested in the post that prompted this, it should create one automatically each day from now on. If it’s all looking a bit too quiet in the daily threads I’ll consider modifying things to make a weekly discussion thread instead, but I figured this is worth starting with.
Nice to see Kambruh getting amongst the fun.
May you all Lane One Form with joy in your hearts.
Friday/Saturday was a pretty good attempt at second winter, pity I was working on Friday or I’d have gone up chasing the snow that was forecast to be falling then.
Saturday was actually kinda nice during the day (we actually opened up an the windows in the house for the first time in a while) and then it shot back down again overnight - was hoping it was nearly time to put the winter clothes away…
Hello! Congrats on the new DT!