I’m having to take Doxycycline for a severe chronic sinus infection and it puts me through the roof. Last night was the fist dose and I was out of my mind. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t focus on anything and all I could do was get up and pace around every 10 minutes or so.

Also, I have to have some of my back teeth removed and my ENT wants to do a procedure called Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. This is all too much for me to handle. I know that it’s all necessary and if I don’t do it, the infection could kill me- but any surgeries scare the shit out of me on a good day- and the meds are making it worse.

Apologies if I’m all over the place, but I’m out of my mind with all of this and I can’t calm down. I don’t know what to do. I can’t find a safe place in my mind to take a break from this and just be okay. Nothing feels okay.

4 points

I can’t take any of those medications either because i start having palpitations. Call you doctor and ask for a different prescription. I know that surgeries sounds scary but imagine not feeling what you are feeling right now. Hope you feel better

0 points

The problem with that is, there’s very little else that can be prescribed. I’ve already tried a few others that did little. This one has the best chance to actually work- but it’s unlikely I can remain on it long enough for it to make any substantial change to my condition.




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