Whether it is cooking, or setting timers, is anyone else able to very accurately predict timers.
E.g.cset the oven for 35 minutes, then walk into the kitchen with 1 min left on the timer?
My job requires a lot of running tests that take half an hour, 1 hour etc. I have been doing some other things, and wondered “the test has to be done now”. As I am taking my phone out of my pocket, my alarm goes.
And this is my work phone, not my fun phone! Work phone normally sits on my desk all day getting ignored!!
I’m notorious for this stuff. I also have a tendency of knowing what time of day it is without looking at the clock for hours, usually within 5 minutes. Freaks my wife out.
My partner has this but in the most annoying way possible. He’ll set a timer on our oven, then go sit down in the other room. At some point, inevitably, he will become convinced that he forgot to set the timer. After me failing to convince him this happens every time, he’ll get up to check. There will be 1 minute remaining on the timer.
Every. Damn. Time!
I have the opposite of Spidey sense and will frequently forget I’m cooking something if I don’t set a timer.
Don’t know if it counts but I hate my alarm so much that I sometimes wake up 1 minute before it triggers.
I definitely do.
I did standup for years so increments of 5-10 minutes from open mics are sort of baked into my brain.
Those initial increments have led to me getting up, walking into the kitchen and starting to open the oven only for the timer to go off as I reach for it.
Super handy skill! And also a bit weird.
I manage my time really well for one reason. I am a lazy fucker. I time manage expedite everything, just so I can sit the fuck down and play Zelda. Not a second is wasted. Water waiting to boil? Finish the laundry. Pooping? Pay the water bill.