I still for the life of me cannot decipher this one. Even his CCP cock milking machines post was more coherent.
He’s never actually said anything of substance, that’s his trick, this post is just like everything else he does, almost like an avant-garde art piece, people find whatever meaning they want in his nonsense and assume he must be wise because he says things they like to hear.
if i ever manage to understand wtf this tweet is trying to say please shoot me
jesus i looked at his twitter and its turning my mind into mush.
though i did see that one post of that cis guy posting tons of videos of his very young trans daughter dancing on tiktok. obviously its weird to post videos of your kids to hundreds of thousands of people, but i think its especially egregious to basically out your kid as trans to the whole fucking world while understanding little of trans oppression yourself. its opening her up to a lot of potential pain later in life