I hate the idea of putting anything in my eyes
I’ve never really been able to use eye drops and when I’ve tried my eyes would reflexively close. I don’t get how people can handle putting contacts in regularly
My first wife would get this thing about every 3 years or so where a contact would migrate around to the back of her eye. This would then be followed by about an hour of her trying to get it back front-and-center. Just the thought of it is enough to horrify me.
Glasses, I never could get the hang of contacts. Plus I can have lenses in my glasses that change with the amount of sunlight - I’m not organized enough to keep track of sunglasses.
Glasses, its what I had since I was little and now I’m used to it
Contacts! I hate the marks glasses leave on your face. I never lose my contacts. They don’t get dirty or broken. It’s 2 minutes morning and night and then not another thought about it throughout the day. I can wear any sunglasses i want.