I know you’re out there! If you’re part of /c/TransLater, make yourself heard!

Maybe some questions will help.

Tell us your name and where are you from? Maybe a bit about yourself

What do you enjoy spending your time on?

How have things been going as you navigate the combination of “Trans” and “Later” in your life?

What’s a question you have for other folk in the sub?

1 point

Hello everyone!

My name is Kate and I’m from New Zealand. I’m 46yo and pre everything. Still coming to terms with myself and in the process of coming out to friends. I don’t hate being a guy, but get so much gender euphoria being a woman.

I enjoy socialising & having a few drinks, doing bjj and mountain biking. Gotta do something to keep fit.

Things have gone way better than I expected. My wife and I have recently separated because of this, but she is very supportive anyway. Everyone that her and I have told, have been completely supportive and also the local trans community have been amazing. The “Later” part is odd I guess. I spent 44 years as a guy, so I wonder sometimes if I am trans or just curious. Like I feel I should have known years ago, so am I kidding myself. But then I play a scenario in my head - if my Dr told me I was a crossdresser and not transgender, how would I feel? And I found I would feel sad and disappointed I wasn’t a woman. Self doubt, argh.

I guess my question is: What is it about being a woman do you love the most?

1 point

For what it’s worth, I started at 41, and that was 7 years ago. We tend to start later at our age, because that’s what happens when you grew up in the transphobic environment we grew up in, with no visible role models or examples of people who had walked our path before us. Undoing a lifetime of that is a process that takes time. Even self acceptance doesn’t just remove decades of indoctrination. What it does is let you make a start on undoing it, which it sounds like you’re doing :)

I guess my question is: What is it about being a woman do you love the most?

I finally feel comfortable in my skin :)

2 points

Hi all. Thorn here - (they/any). I just turned 41 a couple weeks ago.

These days I’m spending most of my time preparing to move (GTFO of Georgia). But my mental cycles revolve around creating federated community services, so surprisingly only just now getting into the fediverse.

I think I’ve been navigating transition in the suburbs of the Bible Belt relatively well. Hardest thing for me might be that most other gender diverse folks I locally come across my age or older are still very binary in their thinking of gender. So we have difficulty relating to each other. But younger folks have welcomed me plenty.

For questions, are there places in the fediverse I should definitely be finding my way to?

2 points


Glad to have you here. This community isn’t very busy, but, there are a couple of more active communities.


And if they’re of relevance to you, there is also a trans masc and trans fem community



2 points

Hey, I’m 42. Over the years I’ve thought many things about myself: that I’m trans, born in the wrong body, but that this is just a kink and that I can cope with it via crossdressing, that this is just a phase that goes away… well, I am sure you know that by now, that I was wrong. This feeling does not go away, and I’m contemplating how to face the dilemma to coming out of the closet.

I’ve found that I’ve internalized a lot of homophobia through the society I’m living in, through my upbringing and through my childhood traumas. Recently I’ve started finding ways to accept myself, and strangely to me lately, “sissy hypnos” (not the clearly porn one, but the affirmating ones) really helped. I’m still in the beginning of this process, and lately I care much less about labels, and look forward more to what kind of life I want to live. Any help or insight with that is appreciated.

I also cheer for anybody who can bravely come out and say that they are trans woman. I hope that I reach that stage one day.

1 point

I also cheer for anybody who can bravely come out and say that they are trans woman.

Well, you are, and I see you :)


Hi everybody! I’m Valerie, (I did a whole intro over on Transfem if you want to check that out), I’m 41, be 42 in a few months, I’m in the U.S. originally from one of the not great states. I live in Colorado now though, actually about to move cities here at the end of the month for a new job. And, I’m pretty reserved at first, I like to take in a situation and people through observation quietly when you first meet me. However, once I get to know folks, I am usually joyful and VERY talkative. (As will become obvious if you know me, I’m prone to being long winded. It’s a problem. I’ve had to learn through great personal difficulty how and when to be concise.)

I’m a teacher so obviously I love working with students, seeing them grow and learn and just be their amazing selves! In my free time, I love to read so, I do a lot of that. I just finished Andy Weir’s Hail Mary, before that The Book Thief, Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed, The Word for World is Forest, The Left Hand of Darkness, Lisa Klein’s Ophelia, The Priory of the Orange Tree, Hood Feminism, and I could keep going but you probably get the idea. I also really enjoy video games, please don’t judge, and I have a Steam Deck, since GOG had a deal I bought the Yakuza series and have started my way through Yakuza 0, looking forward to playing through them all.

I feel like I’m navigating much better now. I left a prior teaching job the summer before my 40th birthday, knowing that they would not be comfortable with me transitioning, and tutored for about a year before the leadership their realized I was trans and dismissed me (though naturally that wasn’t the reason given.) I had really struggled this last year to find a new job and went through my savings, finally my parents had to help me out BUT, I got a new teaching position with an awesome and inclusive school, which I start at the end of this month. I’m very excited about pursuing this new opportunity in a new town where people will only ever know the real me, you know? 😁 It’s a lot so, ask me again next year and I may finally feel like I’ve gotten everything together. 😜

As for a question, hmm, well, I guess I’d like to know about other folks relationships, if they’re in one or not and if their partner(s) knew/met them before transition and how navigating those personal relationships have been, what challenges you all faced if any. Now, I get off light here since I’m single and have been for a quite awhile. (I knew I was trans long before I actually transitioned, even if I didn’t have the vocab for it early on.) I just didn’t think it was fair to a potential partner (or myself for that matter) to start seeing anyone while I was maintaining a false outward presentation and I’ve got so much else going on since starting transition, including transition itself that I’m just not in a place for a relationship yet. So, I think that wraps it all up. I’ve really loved hearing from folks on the fediverse already and I’m looking forward to talking with all you beautiful folks here on TransLater as well! 🥰

1 point

As a relationship anarchist, that gets complicated. My coming to non-monogamy in 2019 was a huge part of what brought me to questioning my views on relationships, sexuality, and gender.

I was married at the time, but we are divorcing now. That had nothing to do with her accepting my gender at least. She’s very pan, was the first person I came out to, and one of my biggest supporters.

A partner of mine just moved up to Colorado, and I will be following in a couple months. I have been deescalating with other folks of various levels of in enmeshment. One of them in the weird buffer zone between friend and romantic partner has known me since before transition. We stopped dating when I was still in the early stages of questioning. If anything, we’ve become closer since then. I’ve been really lucky to have surrounded myself with mostly understanding people.

1 point

hi, im bbee (she/it/they) i didn’t transition super late in life, at age 24. i now feel age 30 quickly approaching so i feel like this is a valuable space for me to participate in 😊 regardless of my age, this feels like a positive place and i want as much trans joy on my front page as possible! i’m excited to hear from all the interesting and beautiful people who end up here <3




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A community for trans folk who transitioned or are transitioning later in life.

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