That can’t possibly be true
I just checked reddit and it doesn’t seem to have watermarks. I know for a while on mobile they added like the source/attribution of the subreddit at the bottom (but you could disable it). If they force watermarks on everything that’ll just make me use the platform even less…
That’s wild if true. If I took a picture, created art work, made a meme why would I want reddit taking credit for it. Not to mention a ton of content on reddit is just screenshots from twitter, tumblr, 4chan, etc. How do you get off slapping a watermark on content that originated on another platform. It’s like all these websites that host user generated content eventually forget they are just a host for the content. They start thinking they are the content.
They started doing this a while ago but it was a tab at the bottom of the screen, similar to an iFunny watermark, and it could be toggled off. I think it was an official app thing?
This new watermark seems much more intrusive.
Glad I downloaded all content from /m/RimWorldPorn just before the darkness then!