Canned and processed food. Store brand os usually much cheaper and tastes the same if not sometimes better than the big brand names.
One of my old coworkers dads worked at a canning plant. He said his dad was in charge of the labeling and claims that almost all canned food is the same.
He said they’d run x amount of green giant labels, x amount of del monte, x amount of best choice, etc all from the same batch.
Soda comes to mind. I like generic fudge sticks better than the Keeebler stuff too.
I really like Food Lion’s Dr. Perky over Dr. Pepper. I know it’s like really strange but the Dr. Perky is quite good. Also, Food Lion’s version of Mountain Dew, Mountain Lion, is a lot better.
I mainly shop at Giant and their store-brand sodas are almost all undrinkable (“Mr. Bob” is their version of Dr. Pepper), all with this bizarre medicine-y aftertaste. The only good one is their diet grape soda - it’s possible that I like this only because there’s no brand name version to compare it to.
I love these names. They sound like characters from a low-budget porn spoof of a popular movie.
Kirkland signature wine and spirits (and tons of other Kirkland brand stuff). Not necessary better, but it’s so much cheaper and so close to quality that it’s a bit brainer to buy it over more expensive stuff. Plus,on a lot of instances the Kirkland signature is made by big companies and rebranded as Kirkland.
I agree. But I can’t upvote your comment because I can’t figure our how to do it in Memmy. Swipe left downvotes it. Swipe right to comment. Touching the up and down arrows does nothing. But Kirkland stuff is great.
Swipe a short ways to the right to upvote. Swipe further to the right to downvote. Swiping left will reply. (If it was like Apollo, swiping further left is to save a comment)
Fucking forreal I passed through Texas to pick up a friend from DFW and stopped at a few Costco’s looking for some vodka, I thought I was just in shitty counties but nope! Chuck Testa!
There is a law in Texas where a publicly traded company can’t sell their own name brand liquor, so Costco can’t sell Kirkland liquor. Wine is fine, but no spirits.
Aldi’s brand of bagels is better than Thomas for me and are about half the price. There’s something that tastes oddly “sugary” about Thomas bagels in comparison.