Greetings, I’m working on my first t2i generator, and I’m in need of a little assistance.
I want to output 4 images with 4 different attributes for one of the prompt terms. Let’s say shirt color. I understand that I could easily create 4 different outputs, but that would mean duplicating the whole prompt 4 times. I’d rather have it be more concise using one output and dynamically change on reload (with no duplicates).
A consumable list seems like what I would need, but it seems like this still requires 2 outputs?
This works, and outputs my 4 colors correctly with no dupes:
[c = shirtcolor.consumableList]
I’d prefer it if I could get this to work with just one output. Thanks for any help or tips!
I’m not 100% sure if this answers your question, but:
[c = shirtcolor.consumableList, ""][prompt.selectMany(4).joinItems(", ")]
a person wearing a [c] shirt
And you can write [prompt], [prompt], [prompt], [prompt]
instead of [prompt.selectMany(4).joinItems(", ")]
if you want.
If you desperately want to squash it all into a single output
list, you can do this:
[c = shirtcolor.consumableList, ""]["a person wearing a [c] shirt".selectMany(4).joinItems(", ")]
But that’s probably not a great idea. Hopefully that helps! Let me know if not. Thanks for the reply! Much appreciated. 👍
Hmm… maybe I didn’t explain properly. I tried your code and got weird results. Your output/prompt is concatenating the color list… which I don’t want.
I’m basically trying to output 4 images with DIFFERENT prompts using ONE output. Here is my (almost) working generator:
As you can see, when randomizing, EACH of the outputs correctly outputs a distinct ethnicity and a distinct shirt color - with no duplicates.
It’s almost perfect, but it’s still using 2 prompts/outputs (because the consumable list seems to require it) which I think will be a problem if/when I set up a user input for the prompt.
I’m basically just trying to insert a single list item into the prompt… but don’t want duplicates in the output which is why I thought consumable list was the way to do it. Is there some way to get/store the list items BEFORE inserting them into the prompt?
Try this snippet:
[e = ethnicity.consumableList, c = shirtColor.consumableList, ''] [new Array(4).fill(0).map(a => `<div>${t2i(prompt)}<br>${lastTextToImagePrompt}</div>`).joinItems("")]
prompt = [bodyType] [e] Woman wearing a [c] shirt
resolution = 512x768
guidanceScale = 5
First we instantiate the consumable lists. Then, we create an Array with the size of the length of the consumable list (to prevent no more items), we then fill it with default items first, then map the items by changing them to host the t2i outputs then join them.
I may still be misunderstanding, but maybe this is what you want?
[e = ethnicity.consumableList, c = shirtColor.consumableList, ""]
And then at the top of your HTML:
A fork of your example with those changes: