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And yet (at least from an outsider perspective) libertarians are closer to democrats than republicans

Republicans seem all about telling you what you can and can’t do (can’t get hrt, can’t get an abortion, can’t smoke weed, must marry and have children etc.) whereas both democrats and libertarians are largely “just live your life” but that could just be because all the american parties seem so financially right wing that they’re basically the same in that respect


The main issue is more funding won’t help; all it does is patch things up, and the root causes of the issues never get solved.

With reform, you could remove bureaucracy where it causes issues and add it where there’s breakdowns in communications instead of just adding more funding to improve capacity in one obvious area and expose a bottleneck immediately before or after it, making the majority of the extra funding wasted


pure water at mean atmosphere pressure at sea level if we’re getting technical, but frankly human body temperature varies from 35.5C (95.9F) to 37.5C (99.5F) anyway, and that’s before considering when people are ill, so if we go down that route it falls apart quickly enough that the definition of 100 given above is clearly just as arbitrary


How is 0F 100% cold though, most places will never get that cold, so it surely makes more sense to have 0F at freezing point of water and 100F at 38C?


Are they identical objects?


I mean they could go underwater and just come up to breathe and eat dead ants


Storage forensics can look into variations in charge to suggest “this used to be a 1” or “this used to be a 0”

To store more data that way, it’d have to be analog data in reality, as otherwise data loss due to charge decay would be immense so you’d need so much error checking you’d lose most of the storage savings


If you trust your wiring skills you could theoretically just alter it to have a low-amp constant power source then higher-amp power source by adding the signals when the sensor trips… I think the issue is a lot to do with the fact LEDs are way less dimmable than older lights though, as dimmer switches cut off parts to the waveform so have lower rms voltage and flicker, whereas you’d want to supply the same voltage, just fewer amps… if you’re keeping it constant I think it’s very possible?

https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/218976/ac-constant-current-source-design - this in parallel with the motion activated circuit?


As someone who works in advertising, that is partially true, but also not the complete story…

Data brokers want you to believe that the more data you have the more likely your ads are to be successful, but in reality it’s not about the amount of data but the quality of the data. If you have someone who has looked at reviews of gym shoes/different models on different stores, then that data is pretty valuable as you can focus on getting them to buy from your store or try and advertise models at the top of their budget, which will likely lead to a higher ROI than just advertising on fitness forums (note it is super hard to get the balance between tipping people over the line to buy and advertising them something they were already going to buy/had already decided against - Google particularly are absolutely terrible at this, but also do evaluation in house, so they’ll misrepresent to advertisers that your ad which showed up one link above your non-sponsored link made 100% of the difference in getting the purchase). Similarly, if you have data that someone is active on a car audio forum and recently bought a specific model of car, you can advertise kits/speakers specifically to that car, which is better than just advertising “hey, we make audio upgrade kits for [specific car/cars in general] on a forum/related site”.

This also makes advertising one of the few situations where using ML actually makes sense - there’s huge amounts of data (way more than a person can consider) to come in, and patterns which lead to good results (someone purchasing something) or bad results (someone not purchasing something). It’s not worth a human targeting every single microcategory, but if an ML model can pick up that advertising to (eg) people who have recently purchased cameras who are interested in triathlons and often visit areas with with high rainfall makes them more likely to buy your specific aftermarket lens hood, then it makes buying the ads so much more worth it and also lets you extrapolate onto other microcategories which may also have similar results, and if they don’t then that updates the model.

Generally data is less useful for awareness campaigns (ie “next time you’re in the supermarket/in the business for x, buy our brand” type of campaign), especially if it’s already on a relevant site, but it’s still somewhat useful if someone is reading on a (trustworthy) news site or watching an ad-supported streaming service, however purchase data & activity data is still useful for showing more relevant ads, as while 90%+ of people on a fitness forum are going to be into fitness, I don’t think 90%+ of general site visitors or tv show viewers are going to be into anything specific enough to make it worth it to advertise it.


The reason they have to manipulate the audience is because people look for validation and so feel good when other people react to things in the same way as them. A laugh track can’t save a terrible show, but it can manipulate people into finding a mediocre show funny, but a mediocre show will make people laugh organically at least a few times anyway
