

6 posts • 183 comments
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Yeah. No comment on the contents of the article but great fucking name. What a rough childhood this person must have had


Unfortunately it’s not about who was the most honest or had the best ideas. It’s about who was more “convincing” to a “blank slate”. When one person has zero problem saying anything to support their point even if its complete bullshit, it’s easy to be more convincing. I still think debates should happen but it’s sad that the Republicans “win at all costs” mentality elevates quick talkers who will lie to your face and make up disingenuous arguments without a care in the world. Something something about a pig in the mud and wrestling it…

Sorry about all the air quotes but it’s hard to talk about this stuff without them.


I’m an american and I’m generally agreeing with you but our education system is trash mostly because of consistently lowering standards just so everyone passes. Don’t get me started on the funding and peivate/charter schools though.


As long as you’ve taken science/math in school, you should be able to piece it together. No one uses imperial units for computation really, especially in academia. Also if you say 17 KMPH, most will read it as 17 kilometers per hour…even those steeped in the metric system. Please attack the American education system in general and “no child left behind” instead of our choice of distance/speed units on road signs.


Could also be the enshittification of our food and culture including:

  • Demonization of “fat” in foods leading to “fat free” foods being considered healthy when fats are actually good and necessary in the diet which leads to over consumption. (Don’t get me started on the sugar and corn lobby)

  • Hyper processed food removing micronutrients necessary for our brains to tell us we’re full.

  • Hyper processed foods being cheaper than whole foods

  • Hyper processed foods being super addictive and unwilling at the same time.

  • Food deserts making fast food and convenience store food the only easily accessible food in many areas.

  • The lack of knowledge/skills with respect to home cooking and the deemphasis of “home economics” type knowledge in general…

  • The lack of free time required to both cook and pass on those skills

  • The growing understanding of how perfluorinated materials (PFA, PFOA, PTFE) fuck with our body chemistry including contributing to obesity. Don’t get me started on how much companies like DuPont hid and lied about that stuff (and still are).

  • Sedentary lifestyle…

  • There’s more but I hope you get the point

Basically what I’m saying is people were fat before “fat shaming” was looked down upon and late stage capitalism is frequently pulling the levers behind the curtain in many areas including this. You’re also talking about “fixing” the outcome instead of preventing the cause which is several orders of magnitude more difficult. The US has abundant wealth but that hasnt specifically translated to better health outcomes. And do you really think middle schoolers have evolved to the point where they don’t bully fat kids? There are very few obese people (both children and adults) out there who don’t feel shitty about how they look regardless of who tells them they should feel that way.

The point of trying to inhibit fat shaming and bullying of all kinds is so people don’t become reclusive and anti-social, pick up bad habits (such as drug addiction and eating disorders), kill themselves, decide to kill others in mass shootings and the like. Also, just don’t be a cunt and make fun of people.


And that’s just average. Chances are teachers are making anywhere between 40-100K in GA with the majority probably below 64


Now is that seedy or is it just an efficient means of getting both shirt ads and longer form content to the consumer? I also see that thelis question could be subjective.


I’m sure we’ve all experienced this to some extent, but I also feel like confirmation bias can play a large role here, so im curious. Is there actually something running in the background that boosts ads over actual content? Is there any literature or first hand employee (YouTube or similar) experience on this
