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Still annoyed that tile has not committed to making their devices compatible with this and rather want to push that life360 rubbish, which openly sells user data.

People only really went with their product because something first party didn’t exist, now their service will get worse as people start adopting this over their service and they turn all their trackers into e-waste—because trackers without a good enough network are kind of useless


Groan tube

Not seen one of those in years


Funny my grandad had a little rhyme related to your ketchup effect:

“If you do not shake the bottle, none’ll come and then a lot’ll”

Clearly ketchup bottles have been a bigger influence on culture than we realised


Everything in the country has been going to shit over the past 15 years thanks to the Tories general policy of, frankly, “fuck the poor”. Public services that the less well off rely on more get stripped to the bone and made more expensive to access. Economic suicides that only really benefit the Tory donors, such as Brexit, Liz Truss’ whole fuck-about, austerity, etc., all make life harder, and things like housing and food more expensive or unattainable.

The right-wing dominated press in our country wants people to not see why it’s happening (as their owners are those same Tory donors), so they do the classic right-wing brainwashing tactic of blaming an other. This other is usually the immigrant boogeyman who is allegedly ruining the country by simultaneously taking all the jobs from British people and also being lazy leeches taking all the benefits. Which is obviously nonsensical.

Of course, all the data suggests these are false conclusions and that immigration is of a huge benefit to everyone in this country. However, the people who don’t pay much attention beyond where they get their news, keep getting fed the lies and you see this stuff as a result—people voting against their interests because they want to harm an imaginary foe that they see as the single cause of all their problems. When measures are taken to appease the group, they don’t see the problems they’re upset about resolving and keep pushing for stronger and stronger measures. In turn those will keep not resolving their issues, because they actually have nothing to do with their problems (and in the case of things like the NHS reduced immigration actively makes things worse)

Got a bit longer than I intended there, but tl;dr people citing immigration issues have been either been conned by the right-wing and turned into useful idiots or are just actual full blown racists. I think most fall into the former category though


Mate words have definitions, click any link in the comments of this post

If your conclusion after is that he’s not a far-right fascist then fuck me mate, a brick has more critical thinking skills than you

Either that or you’re a fascist astroturfer, so which is it? Because one gets you banned


Don’t live in a place called messingham unless you want it to get messy, eh lads?


Not allowed to credit the site in your text editor?

Is the owner in the room with you now?


Wow, this is written by one truly oblivious journalist


Sure that’s what farage is calling the party, but that’s like saying North Korea is a democratic republic run by its people and not the autocratic dictatorship that it is, because that’s what the dictators call the country, and bad people wouldn’t just lie like that, would they?

Farage has a very well documented track record. He’s a far-right fascist, his party will reflect that with policy.

Populism is just a common tactic for fascists to get their foot in the door—literally the same tactics used by Hitler.

Farage even said in this election that the supporters of the parties you list have been drawn to reform. I wonder why?
