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When I was in my my twenties, a few months into my first full time career job, I felt like I could splurge a little to celebrate. The problem was my credit card was stuck at “college student” limits, basically useless, and my salary was still going toward the basics of setting up my independent life.

My attempt to raise my credit limit was rejected, my attempt at a personal loan was rejected. Maybe they would have anyway, maybe I just needed to wait more, but I regret answering “buy a nice stereo”. It does sound like the epitome of careless spending to buy electronic gadgets beyond your immediate means. Even back then, your answer mattered.

The reason I’m convinced it mattered was replaying my conversation with my credit union in my head years later: it surely seemed like she was politely trying to get me to give a different answer.


I’ll forever be annoyed at myself for a reply that got me out of jury duty.

I do understand the importance of the concept and I am willing to serve. My only objection so far is how wasteful it can be. I got called up several years in a row …. To miss work and sit in a dingy basement all day until being excused as “not needed”. I even understand the point that the court has to be ready, but there’s got to be a way to make it less inconvenient to “stand by”.

So the one time my jury duty might have turned into doing something useful for society in return for my inconvenience , I get called to the bench and was asked a few questions. Unfortunately I got hit with anxiety and babbled something that I recognized afterwards as the exact opposite as intended, and was immediately excused.

Edit: fine, I’ll say it. The people who would use it to get out of jury duty probably wouldn’t take their responsibility seriously anyway. I attempted to say something like “I hold the police to a higher standard as a witness since that is their job”, and it came out as “yes, I always believe the police”. Wtf?


I’ll have to try that next time. Ido see the list of communities I have subscribed to, as if I were logged in. However the GUI shows “sign in” where my profile should be, and I can’t do an action like subscribe to a community without logging in again.

Edit: updated above: part of it does seem to be a caching issue, but in the other direction. After refreshing I am still logged out but can no longer see my subscribed communities. The caching problem is seeing those despite being logged out.

It doesn’t change how annoying it is to have to login multiple times in a single browsing session


I’d be fine if it were 7 days. I haven’t figured out a pattern, but it happens within a browsing session


Maybe. My iPad is pretty old so maybe it pages out of memory more often than a modern one would.

I am up to date on iPadOS, but my model is on the list likely to be dropped from support in September


I tried Firefox, which does clarify a bit ….

refreshing the page in Safari shows that there is a caching issue with the subscriptions: after refreshing I can no longer see those, so it’s consistent with being logged out. If I am logged out, I should not see my subscribed communities (privacy issue)

I didn’t need to refresh in Firefox. When I appeared logged out, I also did not see my subscribed communities.

one trigger is browsing elsewhere: I clicked a link to a communities browser at browse.lemmy.de, and when I clicked back to lemmy.world (either browser), I was logged out.

I was also logged out in Safari for unknown reason. Could it only allow login from one browser at a time (either by lemmy or on iPad)? Could it sign out if Safari was paged out of memory?


My Democratic-run state

  • was first to allow gay marriage and is very accepting
  • is probably first in health care, including coverage for most, depending on your metrics
  • is consistently first or second for education
  • minimum wage $15/hr
  • in several quality of life metrics ranks right up there with best in the world countries

And we recently pushed through the MBTA Communities Zoning law requiring towns with transit to allow “by right” high density housing near transit stations


Harmful means something different to everyone

We can start by distinguishing between harmful and offensive.

  • we previously had the examples like “your right to swing your arms stops at my face” or “can’t yell FIRE in a crowded theater” where words or actions were prohibited because they directly harm others

  • burning the Bible/Torah/Quran/flag is offensive, NOT harmful. The relevant group you’re trying to piss off has a right to be pissed off, and you’re not immune from the consequences of your words, but no actual harm

  • spreading falsehoods about vaccination leading to people avoiding vaccination causes actual disease and death. You’re indirectly harming others

So you can make the argument that we’re just making the same type of limits that we always had but adjusted for modern realities.


Same here. He’s a douchebag. But most of his crap is merely offensive, not harmful

I guess I make the distinction that he’s trying to persuade people to act toxic, which is different than other podcasters trying to persuade people to act in ways that cause disease or death


Left front pocket. I’ve kept my keys in front right for most of my life and don’t want to scratch my phone. Actually, left cargo pocket when I can. Roomy, usually buttons or velcro so less risk of losing, less likely to be affected by sitting

Also, I don’t understand people who use their back pocket: aren’t you afraid of breaking your phone by sitting on it? Aren’t you afraid of it falling out of the smaller pocket? Aren’t you afraid of more easily getting robbed?
