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Look…I use Linux. I love Linux. But let’s be honest. That 4 percent is largely due to the steam deck; a gaming handheld where the vast majority of users don’t know (or care) what operating system it uses as long as they can play their steam games on the go.

That’s not “year of the Linux desktop”, because it’s not a desktop. It just has one hidden under the hood if you want to dig past the steam layer (which, as I said…the vast majority of users never will)

The year of the Linux desktop won’t arrive until there is sufficient market share that software manufacturers are inclined to support us natively. That won’t happen with a gaming handheld because no one would want to use a gaming handheld as a daily driver.

Sorry to be a wet blanket, folks. Downvote away…


I’ve said for years that the very last power we have as consumers is the ability to turn off our internet and still be able to use our devices. That is my minimum expectation of any company.

Fridge needs an internet connection, fuck you. TV won’t work unless it’s connected to the internet, fuck you.

But most especially (and this is why I moved to Linux originally), computer needs to always be connected to the internet even if all I’m doing is opening an office program that has nothing to do online? Go fuck yourself.

The ability to unplug my ethernet cable and still be able to use 99% of my computer with the exception of email and a web browser is the absolutely most basic human right left to us.


GIMP has its share of issues, just like any other software. but it’s biggest issue is that somewhere down the line general users got this idea in their head that it was supposed to be a Photoshop clone.

So they go into it with certain expectations and then get frustrated when it doesn’t work that way. People like me, who actually learned GIMP before PS, obviously didn’t go in with the same bias and therefore have a much better grasp on it.

Gimp is not a Photoshop clone. it’s its own piece of kit with it’s own design and feature decisions that some may like and others may not. That’s life. The developers have no obligation to follow any other software design scheme any more than Sony is obligated to follow LGs TV UI. They’re not clones, they’re alternatives.

if you think Gimps only function is to copy Photoshop, you’re in for a bad time. If you want to use gimp as an ALTERNATIVE and go in without the bias, you’ll likely learn your way around a LOT faster.

I’m not excusing Gimps failings. far from it. but I AM saying that half the issue is the Photoshop users thinking that gimp only exists to copy everything from their precious Adobe daddy. And that’s simply not true.


Why uneasiness? This is federation working exactly how it’s supposed to. People are free to spout whatever garbage they want, and no one else is obligated to listen to them if they don’t want to.

No one is infringing on hexbears so-called “free speech”. They’re still free to shout into their megaphone. But the rest of us can close the damn door on them if we don’t want to listen. That’s quite literally the best of both worlds.

The only people that are “uneasy” are the people who think that “free speech” means being able to force people to have to listen to their bullshit. It’s not. Never has been. Never will be.

I for one love how federation tends to sort itself out without stripping away anyone’s right to free expression. Hexbear, or whatever instance happens to be controversial at the moment, can still say whatever they want. No one is shutting them down. No one is censoring them. No one is stepping on their rights. The rest of us just have the power to not have to listen to them. It’s a great system working exactly as designed and it’s absolutely how the future of social media has to be.


It’s absolutely insane that it’s even up for fucking debate.


Defeating Hamas?

A war against Hamas that targets civilians is just going to create more Hamas.

You kill 100 civilians for every 4 Hamas fighters, all you end up with is 10 new Hamas fighters from the relatives of the civilian dead.

He’s delusional.


Feed an A.I. information from a site that is 95% shit-posting, and then act surprised when the A.I. becomes a shit-poster… What a time to be alive.

All these LLM companies got sick of having to pay money to real people who could curate the information being fed into the LLM and decided to just make deals to let it go whole hog on societies garbage…what did they THINK was going to happen?

The phrase garbage in, garbage out springs to mind.


If your business plan can’t make a profit while paying your people a living wage, than it doesn’t deserve to be in business.

Expecting people to live paycheque to paycheque in order to subsidize your desire to be a business owner is the Pinnacle of bullshit.


correction… always were worthless.

It’s always been a con game.

Their so-called “value” was always determined by the ability of the person shilling it to make up bullshit. Literally the definition of a “confidence” game. Same problem as crypto in general. It’s only has value if you have confidence in the person shilling it. The moment that person loses the confidence of their marks, the entire thing crumbles to nothing because it isn’t backed by any real tangible assets.


The fact that people care about whether their messages are blue or green is so absolutely ridiculous.

I’ve known people who literally refuse to message anyone who doesn’t use iMessage (and by extension has an iPhone).

Every one of them turned out to be a twat in every other facet of their personality as well.
