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I’m voting Democrat like I always do. I remember being the only non-right wing senior citizen looking person at my polling place for Hilary Clinton when no one showed up. Not with any hope, just so I can say I voted against gleeful hatred.

I’m just pissed that I will never, ever get a vote against market capitalism, as it controls both parties on economic policy and we only get a vote on how to manage the social issue symptoms it causes.


like we see in Gaza.

Putrid bastard can’t even own his own genocide. It’s what You’re, or We’re meaning Israel, is doing to Gaza.

The worst kind of coward, a bloodthirsty one.


We literally spend most of our lives fighting over fancy pieces of paper we’re deluded into valuing more than one another, talk about a waste of time.

The unexamined life is not worth living. In the US at least, we are discouraged from asking the questions that can provide us some semblance of meaning based on what we actually value during our brief existence, because considering the big questions about the nature of being distract us from collecting more fancy pieces of paper for the master’s next penis shaped space rocket.

IMHO, the ability to ask and really feel the importance of why is precisely what makes our existence more meaningful than an ant’s. Rejecting philosophical inquiry and living a life of mindless acquisition and gluttony makes one about as sapient as said ant. You’re just following someone else’s script, and that someone usually has an agenda of maximizing your productivity and consumption with that script, so your life is more their life to spend than yours to experience at that point.


My wife really wanted a kid. I love my wife.

I gave her no illusions though. This world is fucked. This is either the beginning of another dark(enforced ignorance) age or the end of human civilization entirely. The kid is beyond fucked.

I have more of a “welcome to the shit show, kid” mindset. I can’t protect him from this exploitative hellscape, any more than I could protect myself. Oh and please spare me the cliche “well you need to man up and find a way to give them an awesome life,” as reality isn’t a Disney movie.

I can show him the stuff I like and ways to protect himself a little, but man his generation’s future is bleak.


Let me answer your question with another question.

Will the masses literally having loved ones killed by greed induced climate change ever accept that the toxic social opiates they’re fed to remain complacent (social media, fast food, unnecessary plastic crap, literal opiates, etc) aren’t worth burning our sole, shared habitat and any future for humanity in the name of short term private profit, and both bring justice to them and accept the necessary reduced quality of life that will come with the necessary destruction of the supply chains destroying the human habitability of the planet for millions of years?

Because incremental change would have been an option… Half a century ago when we were loudly warned. Drastic action is necessary today, the kind that will make a billion including possibly you and I starve. I argue that if there is any decency in our species… At all… we should, otherwise we’re telling all potential future generations to go fuck themselves over our Postmates and Pop Figures.


The tiny class of private shareholders making it this way.


I personally have pity for rank and file Republican voters.

They were simply easy marks our education system intentionally failed to teach critical thinking and reason to because obedient laborers don’t need that, and were then spoonfed sensationalist lies that appealed to their fears and anxieties, the easiest avenues for indoctrination, for the last half century under the guise of being “news” for the private profit of private shareholders and to turn them into useful idiot dependable votes for those same private shareholders to effectively capture their regulators and government that was once meant to protect us from them.

As just one in an ocean of examples, Fox “News” has been telling these poor sad bastards that “man made climate change is a hoax for scientists to sell books!”
