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They were also well versed in the dark art of comedy, officer. Note their expert timing.


Reminds me of why torture as a means of information gathering is ridiculous.

I will absolutely tell you what I think you want to hear when you start stabbing me, whether its the truth or I ever knew it at all.

But I also hate you for torturing me, so If I do happen to know the thing then I also know enough about the thing to alter the answer to something false but plausible for a moment of relief while you act on it, because we all know if you’re torturing me, you have no intention of letting me out alive.

This is why the lets be pals/wine and dine approach is more effective.


The only way this question makes sense is if you’re one of millions of sociopathic Americans (not entirely most of their fault, they were encouraged to be so through for profit media and simply fell for the ego stroking lies of “you’re better than them, so enjoy the suffering they obviously deserve for some reason”) that don’t consider homeless Americans to be human at all, want them out of their eyeline, and literally despise suffering people far worse off than them for…🤮… “lowering their property values.”

Literally the same market capitalist deluded useful idiots that want public schools defunded into further ruin because they themselves don’t personally currently have a child that attends public school.

The people hurting almost everyone with their basically infinite resources, private shareholder capitalist sociopaths, managed to convince it seems like most Americans that the reason the economy works against them despite perpetual record profits for said private shareholders are those people down the street living in an old tent in the park starving and dying of exposure to the elements.



As just one example, had we been railing against the Federalist Society for what it always was since it was established around the Reagan Revolution, a judicial extremist group and ideological servant to wealthy business interests for decades designed to bend our judicial branch to their profit driven desires, it would have gotten increasingly difficult to get them appointed to the SCOTUS, and even lesser appointments under such public pressure, back when public pressure was still heeded to some degree.

Instead, that was considered to be engaging in unseemly class war, harumph I say! They’re simply a society made up of wealthy legacy slot kids that happens to have a judicial philosophy of make the rich richer and less accountable, and make the poor poorer and more desperate. Now, having decades waging class war basically unopposed, Wall Street now owns our Judicial branch in practice, to play with like any random mega yacht. It is their asset, we can only suffer it.


Whenever the peasants get even the tiniest bit of leverage, the owners predictably, cynically, and immediately bust out the “there is no class war! It would be unseemly to engage in a class war! Don’t start a class war!” lies through their propaganda pulpits.

Sadly, it works, despite the fact that the market capitalists never stop warring against those with less to get ever moooaaaar to feed their insatiable greed disease. Reagan/Thatcher actually convinced millions of poor, deluded idiots that deregulation and tax breaks for the rich would help them, some of whom still belligerently defend supply side market capitalism against their own interests before carrying their brittle, old, exploited bones outside every day expecting golden showers of prosperity to start raining down on them as the owners promised… any decade now… And holy shit why is it so hot out here?

The market capitalist owner class has been warring against you and any nation states that still prioritizes the wellbeing of their people for longer than anyone has been alive, whether you would fight back or say “thank you lord may I have another!”


Our elected leaders betray us for money like breathing, our wealth class uses their power to pillage our commons and coerce ever more exploitative labor using the government that was supposed to protect us from their power as their personal cudgel, and we basically hate one another due to the owner’s media propaganda machine intentionally keeping us divided and misinformed so we can never unite to challenge them.

What, you want we should rally around pride in our nation’s supposedly admirable history? The genocide parts, the slavery parts, non-crony capitalist foreign nation destabilization parts, the state sanctioned union busting parts, or the eugenics parts?

How about something from the last week of history, like making it legal to make it illegal for our fellow citizens to exist in public places without a home they can’t afford? Is that what we should take pride in? Demonstrating cruelty to the most destitute members of our society that we have all collectively already failed the most to feel superior and get them out of our sight?

Fuck this place. Yes there are other horrible nation states that thrive on inhumanity, but that in no way absolves us of ours, especially with all the inhumanity in the form of poison pill “free market advocacy” that our diplomats, military, and multinationals pressure other nation states to become to make them as greedy and sociopathic a society as possible and make their markets accessible for our egotistical capitalists to grow their dragon hoards with as the numbers of homeless Americans continues to explode.


It should be extremely limited. 3-5 years after copyright it should expire.


Completely fair.

My point is while the decision might please the poor trailer park misogynists and religious zealots, and the fight between women and them is stoked by for profit media to keep the peasants divided, the court made that decision to further the long term economic interests of the owners concerned with their nepo babies not having enough cattle to exploit.

It was done in the interest of greed for our owners. Women being angry at laughing trailer park misogynists and religious zealots might be cathartic, but people like Warren Buffett are the ones it was done for.


These are dark times, for our species and the living world that spawned us.
