
AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]

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I’m about to lose my fucking shit right now. This guy committed a fucking black letter law crime against me. A fucking statute. It says in the statute that I get fucking attorney fees, a 100 fucking dollars every day until THEY STOP COMMITTING THE VIOLATION with NO written end date, so TECHNICALLY I can ask for fucking 36,500 on that alone, AND THEN you START looking at the actual damages. I CAN’T BELIEVE I ALREADY GOT TALKED DOWN TO JUST PUTTING IT IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT.

2.5k seems like a lot to pay to get a few weeks of rent

It took me a few months to find a job and a place and I ended up going into debt. I had to move to another county to find a place I could afford

Have you looked at the paperwork required? Its generally not too complicated and is meant to be done by non professionals.

I have a hard time getting anything done tbh. I manage to go to work and do social reproduction and everything on top of that that would make my life better at all I just have this wall of nope I can’t jump over to get started. I thought getting an attorney to do it would at least get the process going. I have like an hour of flex time on either side of a workday and then the weekend comes and I just turn off. I looked at what I need to do but then I had questions and no one to ask them to. I don’t know how much to ask for. There’s a limit but I can calculate damages (based on my new move in date) that exceed that. Do I write that and then sue for the max? Should I trim my wings and just ask for the damages+penalties for the first month I was out even if the violation/damages were still ongoing at that point because if he followed the law, that’s how much notice I would get?

I tried looking but I couldn’t find another lawyer who would even give me the time of day.

I just went through the worst, scariest period of my life so far and I’m still not really okay and the whole thing feels like it’s been culminating into this moment and I just can’t deal with it. Sorry for ranting.


Unless you have documentation of the former friend acknowledging the verbal agreement

The absolute fool, at the peak of his hubris, demanded in text that I pay the last month rent after he changed the locks on me. I have texts talking about me moving in and texts from him declaring that I had moved out with a window between that establishes legal residence. I have mail addressed to me there and I have carbon copies of checks that I wrote for rent. So I’m pretty sure I have the case tied up in terms of evidence.


I should have been more clear: The 2.5k is a flat fee that’s inclusive of everything except appeals. A year ago I talked to legal aid and the deal there was they wouldn’t give me any legal advice but they let me ask a lawyer questions for an hour phone call. When I came back to it in this last month, I couldn’t find anyone willing to talk to me about doing small claims prep


I need a sanity check on this decision I’m about to make. Is it crazy to hire a lawyer for 2.5k to prepare a small claims case?

Some background: This is about that story I told a year or so ago of my former friend, and guy I was renting a room in his apartment when I was in a tight spot, declaring me moved out all at once when I took a trip to see my sick friend, thus forcing me to live in hotels for a few months while I got a job/proof of income/a new place to live. And other bad stuff that doesn’t matter for this. Anyway, he probably doesn’t have the 12.5k maximum small claims payout I’m going for, but I’d probably be happier garnishing his paychecks for the next few years because I’m still big mad.

I’m not doing the work for the lawsuit myself because I’m dumb and lazy and have no executive function outside of doing job. And the case centers around a verbal agreement so I don’t want to mess it up. And just anxiety. But on the other hand, the only thrills I’ve been splurging on for the last year have been from the grocery store, and 2.5k takes more than a couple months for me to scrape together.


Hey bro, you free tonight? Wanna go stake out my sister’s house in a car?


It’s just easier going straight than turning to the side once you’re going full speed


I listened to talk to/about one of these guys and they’re 100% worth a netflix style documentary. Guys pull down insane money from these rallies. I imagine there has to be a lot of behind the music action going on.
