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I’ll have to go through that thread post by post when I have time.

Depending on the game I switch between Xbox series, kishi, ps4 or dualshock 2, the latter I think is my favorite controller. I have tried a few others in the past, like Gamesir stuff and a few other telescopic ones for phones but didn’t stick for me.

However I am of the opinion of playing a game the way it was supposed to, if possible, ie I’d rather use a 3rd party n64 controller for n64 games.

I am not sure if Lemmy can handle it, but if it can, I want to eventually start a thread on controllers per system, with linked reviews on comments, either mine or from the community. But I doubt Lemmy can do that. Perhaps a wiki of sorts. Eventually.


How are those emulation devices? I really want to buy that rg35xx but I think it’d really bother me trying to play say ps1 in such a small screen. And of course ds stuff wouldn’t be that good considering the one small screen.


Still haven’t managed to get into MAM but abtorrents is pretty damn good so far. Haven’t managed yet to search for something I wanted and be unable to find it.


Not knowing what you’re looking for, I can’t help much. But I found a whole lot of art books on cgpeers and gfxpeers in the past. But registrations are closed now I think.


It’s been a decade. And I made general assets like couches, tables, cloth simulations etc. I have no idea which missions used them since. But I can vouch for Springheel’s, Bikerdude’s, Grayman’s and Obsttorte’s missions. At least the ones before 2012. Haven’t played it since, I should do it soon. But from the ones I know for a fact, Grayman and Dragofer used them often in his missions. And the latter made a pass on my old stuff a couple of years ago to fix/update them. And did an awesome job at it.

It was a great team to work with, especially Springheel, he had a lot of patience with me having to learn the tools they used and spamming him with questions. :)


I tried, but saw the link to F-Droid and gave that a try. Will try again after work. There’s no gambatte apk, right? Though even if there is, I doubt it’d have support for shaders or retroachievements.


Never heard of that mod. For Deus Ex? I should give it a try.

As for thief, I always loved playing the fan missions, still have about 20gb of them on my hard drive. But if you haven’t tried it, I suggest you play The Dark Mod. I used to make assets for them back in 2011-2012. It has some exceptional missions and good mechanics for a fan game.


Can’t see the video right now, but considering the old thief games are some of my favorite games ever, I don’t think I’d disagree much. Still haven’t found a better stealth game, 23 years later. Deus ex can come real close in terms of quality stealth if you play ghost, but while encouraged, it’s not the point of the game.


Last time it got so bad that I started duping to be able to function there with a new character without nolifing the game. Something which I had promised myself not to do ever in this game, ever since I learned how back in 2007.

I heard a lot of people with performance issues, luckily I never had that problem myself for whatever reason. Regardless if it was with the new or old engine.

Then again, if I ever decide to play again, I have an entire roster of lvl1 chars with the entire set of the store QoLs to go, from all the keys to the gardens, to stupid amounts of VP/tokens, to banks and portable stores and even endgame armors and a complete set of twinking weapons/armors for every skill/ability at every breakpoint. So it’ll be easy to get back into it.

Though I doubt I ever will again.


Meanwhile, 162 days and counting for dead space.

Doesn’t make me want to buy it, without trying it out first, but saying hours to days for denuvo is…a joke really. Sure there were a couple of games that were cracked in a couple of days, but that’s a handful of them in the last 6 years or so. Most take a long, long time.
