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It’s been a decade. And I made general assets like couches, tables, cloth simulations etc. I have no idea which missions used them since. But I can vouch for Springheel’s, Bikerdude’s, Grayman’s and Obsttorte’s missions. At least the ones before 2012. Haven’t played it since, I should do it soon. But from the ones I know for a fact, Grayman and Dragofer used them often in his missions. And the latter made a pass on my old stuff a couple of years ago to fix/update them. And did an awesome job at it.

It was a great team to work with, especially Springheel, he had a lot of patience with me having to learn the tools they used and spamming him with questions. :)


I’ll keep that in mind and wait. And if say a month from now things look the same on the subjects I’m interested in, I might give it a try at building something or most likely start posting stuff on existing but slow communities. At the very least, covering news wouldn’t be that hard and even if there’s no interest I can still use it as a personal repository later down the line.


I went with Antennapod and it seems good so far. It couldn’t find one of the podcasts I liked by name, but when I searched for category it showed up. The rest were all found. Thank you all.


You will not get banned for not sharing. What actually happens is that some people have scripts to see if you’re sharing, if not they refuse you access to their files until you start sharing. That has to do with each individual and nothing to do with the network itself, other than the fact that it gives you the option to deny access.


Not wanting to spam by replying to every post, this one is an answer to both TheOneCurly and solarvector. It seems I also figure out how to tag, yey me.

So you’re both saying that this is normal and not something I’m doing wrong, right? In that case, that’s fine with me, I can wait and totally understand the lack of numbers, I just assumed that even before reddit decided to fold over, there’d be some stuff around, even on niche communities. I wasn’t expecting a huge amount of content or discussions, but in the example given, there’s not even news posts about updates on software etc.

I’ll keep looking around. Seems interesting as a concept so far and I’m much more willing to spend time in lemmy compared to reddit or twitter or whatever gets plastered on my screen daily without my consent that I have to go out of my way to not interact with.


Can’t see the video right now, but considering the old thief games are some of my favorite games ever, I don’t think I’d disagree much. Still haven’t found a better stealth game, 23 years later. Deus ex can come real close in terms of quality stealth if you play ghost, but while encouraged, it’s not the point of the game.


I’d hazard a guess that most people down vote you not because you don’t want to use steam or that you want to pirate, but rather because it’s most likely something wrong with your setup and you can’t be arsed to figure out what the problem is. Which might end up being a lot more serious than simply being unable to launch steam.

IMO, figure it out, get your system to work properly and then go pirate if that’s what you prefer.


Sonarr and radarr can use torrents just as much as they can use usenet. I used them for both, now I dropped usenet altogether.

I find it easier to either DDL or torrent, plus a lot of the stuff I’m after recently proved hard tto find on usenet for whatever reason.

It’s more hassle to search usenet for my usecase and while it’s true that maxing out download speeds is awesome, I’m not in a hurry. I let the .arr apps do the work while I’m busy with life and when I get back home I have it all ready anyways.


It’s not. Most of the time it’s fine, but there have been cases in the past that they added their own DRM in the games.


Nobody stops you from uploading stuff and sharing it. But certain communities like for example private trackers have a process to allow you to become an uploader.

As for money, ask yourself, it’s piracy, which by definition means that you want to download stuff without paying for them. Why would they pay you instead?

There’s a few cases that it worked before but is generally frowned upon, as if holding the files hostage. Now if it’s a service that nobody else can do, or files that nobody else has laying around or easy access to buy and share for free, you could try that. Again, nobody stops you, but most people wouldn’t see kindly to that. From leechers to other uploaders.
