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I just wanted to say that Palestinians and their Canaanite ancestors are Semites as well. So, if we take the phrase antisemitic literally, then the current Israeli government is also antisemitic.


Fedora + snapper. If you want Arch’s AUR, then Fedora + snapper + Arch distrobox.


If he didn’t have an unfiltered public forum, people would probably still think that he is some eccentric genius.


To be fair it looks like it was posted in r/gimp and we don’t know what the OP actually said in the text. In my experience, usually, when something like this happens, they usually heavily criticize something and call it ‘garbage’ or something similar.

It’d be like going into any passionate community about something and calling it trash, then being ‘shocked’ that there’s a bunch of responses belittling them. This isn’t a FOSS specific problem. Go into r/windows or even r/techsupport and trash it while comparing it to anything else like MacOS, Linux, *BSD, whatever and you’ll get a bunch of toxic responses. This would also be mostly true of any other non-computer hobbyist communities surrounding a specific brand or product.

When I would see someone ranting “I’d switch to Linux but the community is toxic” in somewhere like PCMasterRace, I’d ask “Can you link to the post?” and if they did it was so common that they straight up trashed Linux in whatever distro community that they posted to that I don’t recall a single instance of it simply being “Hey I have this problem. What do I do?” and there being nothing from the OP trashing it in responses or the original post.

I’m not sure if it will become the same as the federated community gains popularity and you have more regular user-type people posting in those niche/passionate/whatever communities more regularly.


Here is the post in question. Same comments and everything but the OP post was removed from the screenshot.

First couple of lines from the post:

TL;DR Sorry if this is wrong group. GIMP = Epic POS. Do not use. Please recommend a decent alternative. Don’t waste your time with GIMP help because I am done.


Ironically, those that proudly fly a traitor’s flag due to their proud heritage generally also think of themselves as patriots. Just like, ironically, those that fly the Gasden flag tend to be bootlickers and also tend to be the same people.

NC is so weird. Many whites there will tell you other than ‘reverse racism’ that racism doesn’t really exist anymore all while being explicitly racist in the next sentence.


For those that don’t know, they are going to release something called FreeLlama which might be FOSS (no public info as to what the license actually will be).

Winamp says that they still want to control ‘what features’ go into winamp and it’ll remain proprietary. I assume they really just want people to contribute interesting things to FreeLlama and then put the contribution into Winamp.

The license probably won’t be FOSS because they probably aren’t going to want anyone contributing to own copyright to the code that they are committing.

It is odd because FOSS contributors aren’t really known for being OK with this sort of thing in the past, so I doubt they’re going to get much out of it. Maybe it’s a Hail Mary and they’ll end up blaming people for not freely giving up their devtime and creativity to a company that wants to make money on it.


AKA “I’m not social with anyone and try to keep my distance away from everyone. Why won’t anyone even talk to me?”


If it was around the time of 9/11, in the US military, we had a bunch of people wanting to sign up and be all patriotic. We didn’t really have a people problem in OIF/OEF but unfortunately for the Army they had a budget problem. There were equipment shortages for stuff like the armor inserts for the PASGTs and the like. Marines always have a shortage of everything but now they really needed it.

Support the Troops was really Support the Defense Contractor contracts.

Also, I’d like to let everyone know the US is all Support the Troops but Fuck the Vets. I don’t give a shit about one free bland meal at Golden Corral a year and $3 off of a $30 pizza. We need better VA services, we need the VA to be able to ‘recognize’ a lot more of service connected problems with an infrastructure to take care of it.


Not that I’m defending it but the data and the model itself on Recall stays all local and encrypted, according to Microsoft. It also says it won’t use it for ad targeting or will sell the data. Of course, the caveat is that is what they are saying right now and may not be saying in the future. We’ve obviously seen strategies where gradually things move down the spectrum as it continuously normalizes.

With MS we’ve seen the “Start” menu advertise Candy Crush forever and then “recommended apps” and it isn’t a far step to show “sponsored recommended apps” and then just “sponsored content” as things continue to become more normal for everyone, especially if its for the “Home” version or whatever. People will just argue to pay whatever for a Pro license.

Going to full blown ads now though? It’ll piss the consumer off. Do it gradually over a decade? There will be some rumblings, sure, but it probably won’t matter. By then they might be able to give you a “free” cloud VDI (with lots ads from the OS) with less ads and CPU/GPU power based on subscription tiers and you just need to buy a cheap $30 thin client and everyone will just be OK with that.
