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Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)

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If they laugh at your failures, they don’t deserve your unending love. While you may consider them your friend, they don’t consider you their friend. Friends don’t do that shit. Do you really want to love someone dearly that doesn’t even consider you their friend?


ich sollte auf keinen Fall so beantworten

Da ist halt genau das Problem. Jeder hält den Mund wegen X. Logisch ändert sich so nichts.

Ich fühle mit dir, so ist es nicht, aber wenn kein Pfleger so mit sich umspringen lassen würde, würde es auch nicht passieren, denn Pfleger werden gebraucht. Wenn jeder die Klappe hält bleibt es halt so.


Ich mein, dafür sind eigentlich Gewerkschaften und Streiks. Aber die meisten im Gesundheitswesen würden das nicht machen, weil die Patienten dann Probleme kriegen. Aber genau das nutzen Arbeitgeber halt aus.

Der einzige Weg ist, sich zusammenzuschließen, zu streiken, und als Forderung die Arbeitsbedingungen verbessern. Ist kurzfristig für Patienten negativ, aber langfristig würde es besser. Wenn Arbeitgeber halt wissen, dass niemals gestreikt werden wird, können die Arbeitsbedingungen immer schlechter werden, und das werden sie ja anscheinend auch.

Alternativ kannst du dich natürlich persönlich immer weigern, etwas zu tun, was du nicht tun möchtest. Wird halt wahrscheinlich auf Kündigung rauslaufen, wenn andere das nicht mitmachen.


I see this is a Vulkan API update. This means game developers need to take advantage of it before it is of any benefit, correct? Or can one use the benefit of this somehow themselves?


Just wait until this extends to “work” as well!

Seriously though, nothing is “worth” doing. Eventually we’ll have the heat death of the universe. Or our sun will die and we haven’t figured out interstellar travel. Or climate change will destroy everything. Or you’ll just simply die.

Once you accept that nothing is worth doing though, is when you can stop worrying if something is worth doing and just do it. Like you could either do nothing and end it now or do something. Usually, your natural biological will to live won’t let you do nothing and end it, so you might as well do something.


I’m sorry, but distinguishing between different concepts is forbidden here. You go straight to jail.


I guess that makes more sense now that I see an example. I just can’t fathom how any Apple artist thought they made a “grinning face with smiling eyes” when they looked at that image. It’s “grimacing face with smiling eyes” very obviously. I thought all representations were like the others in this example - they all look like a “grinning face with smiling eyes”. They look different but it doesn’t matter.

I still think though that if there weren’t obvious mistakes like this, it doesn’t matter how the “grinning face with smiling eyes” exactly looks, or any other emoji for that matter.


Then program some inconsistency into the aimbot. it’ll still win against everyone most of the time, still being a problem.

Manual review is always possible, but this requires a lot of people. And if someone really looks at the best players, they seem like an aimbot all the time.

Client-side scanning forces hackers to run the input through hardware, which increases the level of entry and investment necessary to start cheating. Of course everything is always avoidable, but it’s about reducing the amount of cheaters by detecting the lazy/stupid people. If you just don’t client-side scan at all, there will be a lot lot lot more cheaters. It’s about reducing the volume so much that the amount is not that bad anymore and can better be dealt with manually.

It’s about forcing cheat developers to spend time/money finding new ways to hide, reducing the value of trying to create cheats.

Of course there are privacy and security concerns. But client side detection in a limited manner does make sense.
