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This is the pet food equivalent of Dr Bronners.


Highly recommend IGNEA if you like melodic metal. A few faves:

Jinnslammer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZF_qqeXzM4g

Disenchantment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnV9vpEit6E

Mermaids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU9WFEwsQQw

But gosh their stuff is just all awesome.


Wow! Absolutely stunning! What a beautiful spider.

If it’s larger, more than half an inch long, once it matures fully, then it’s probably a female. Female spiders are often bigger than males.


When watching eagle nest cams, I’ve seen little birds and mammals hanging around eagle nests and scooping up scraps of leftover prey. I think in many cases a large raptor isn’t going to go chasing around a little birds when they’ve already caught something bigger and the little birds play clean up crew and take away scraps that would be too small for the larger birds. Not sure if that’s the case here but it’s a cool little cooperative situation to notice. You’ll also see little birds nesting under osprey nests, probably for the same reason.


We got a folding cargo bike because we have zero indoor storage space and needed something that would fit in one of these because it’s all the available space we have in our small city backyard.

Do I wish I had a garage and room for a “real” cargo bike that didn’t fold? Sure, but the one I have works great for what I need it for and it does have some pretty awesome side benefits.

  • We can fit the bike in the car and take it on vacation with us.
  • It fits in an elevator or on a train in a pinch.
  • Because the handlebars fold down and sideways and the pedals fold in you can push the bike through super narrow alleys and gaps that a normal bike wouldn’t fit through.

I’d love to own an urban arrow or some other epic long tail cargo bike but the folding aspect has allowed me to own a bike I otherwise wouldn’t have any proper storage for. So for me it’s a no-brainer.


Cool! Thanks for the review. I see lots of folks around with sit-down scooters like this and wonder how they are so it’s cool to hear it’s working for you!

How quickly does it charge?


They don’t. My local shop has a waiting room with coffee, sodas, Wi-Fi, and seating/desks. Plenty of people (myself included) bring their work with them to the shop while their car is fixed. Also I’ve definitely seen people driving around loaner vehicles from dealerships before which is kinda a solution?

But you’re right that it sucks that our society has designed places where it’s impossible to get around without a car. My car shop is a short bus ride from my house or a slightly longer walk. If I take my car to the dealership, which is farther away, home is a bike ride away or I can go to the shops nearby. I’d guess this is the case in most denser urban areas except maybe some US cities which are just terribly laid out.


They help significantly to combat the heat island effect in cities and provide shade and cooler microclimates for people to shelter in when it’s hot.

Just try going to a shady tree-lined path vs. a paved treeless path on a sunny day and you’ll be pretty clear on the meaning of this meme.

So yes we can’t stop global warming with trees alone but we can mitigate the local effects of it all while providing habitat for birds and shade for people and lots of other benefits besides.

This article has a pretty good review if you want to take a look at some of the benefits! https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/12/4371

And here’s a more plain-language website about urban trees: https://www.climatecentral.org/climate-matters/the-power-of-urban-trees-2023


Aw damn thanks for fixing that! Yes I wrote it as a list and yes I forgot the double space. Still haven’t figured out bullet points in lemmy


Advantages of bras:

  • Look nice (if you’re into that look, which many people are)

  • Keep your nipples from chafing

  • Support/containment for larger boobs

  • Keep prudish people from being mad at your nipples

  • Can be worn without a shirt for sports if they cover enough real estate

  • When breastfeeding, help catch/absorb leaks

Disadvantages of bras:

  • Uncomfortable if not fitted right
  • Sweaty as fuck on hot days
  • Expensive
  • Many have to be hand washed if they are fancy

I would say I wear bras about 30-50% of the time and it’s usually for either support/chafing prevention or looks. The rest of the time I can’t be bothered. I’m also lucky to not have super large breasts. I know women who do may find a good fitted bra to be more comfortable than no bra.

When I was breastfeeding I wore them all the time though because it is super awkward to leak through your shirt in public.

Edited to add bullet points bc I suck at lemmy formatting
