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Subnautica. It’s not long but I enjoyed every minute of it. And the requirements for a ‘perfect game’ on steam aren’t too difficult.


Now I can’t stop thinking how to make that burrito slap…

Cut the cauliflower into florets, toss with olive oil and salt, then roast at 400f for 35 or 40 minutes.

Cut the carrots into long slices and pickle them in vinegar and water with a little sugar and salt. Let rest for a day.

Slice the onions and low fry till carmelized.

Fry the broccoli, peppers, and mushrooms in a pan with some garlic and salt.

Wrap in a tortilla with some refried beans and season with hot pepper flakes.


“Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.”

― Andrzej Sapkowski, The Last Wish


I think a lot of this is just provocation. “I’m gonna put this on a T-shirt to own the libs.” I doubt they are even thinking about what it means.


And making heme is what they are proud of at impossible foods. https://impossiblefoods.com/heme

“Heme is what makes meat taste like meat. It’s an essential molecule found in every living plant and animal – most abundantly in animals – and something we’ve been eating and craving since the dawn of humanity. Here at Impossible Foods, our plant-based heme is made via fermentation of genetically engineered yeast, and safety-verified by America’s top food-safety experts and peer-reviewed academic journals. Watch more below.”


Adam Smith stands to speak as the ship rocks with the waves.

“The creation of wealth is what matters. If an industrious businessman wants to use available resources to create goods which he can then sell in the market he should be applauded for producing something of value. No one should be allowed to stifle industry.”

“But how can you not see what harm you are causing? By promoting this naked greed you endanger us all. Every day the planks of our ship grow thinner. And for what? So that some baron can collect more of our coin?”

“Tecumseh, you are a simple minded savage. The items for sale in the market today: toothpicks, wooden spoons, hair combs, if they didn’t have more value in that form then nobody would pay for them. The planks, the mast, and the deck boards of the ship must all have less value than the products made from them. The market has decided it is so.”

“This market is destroying the very foundation of our life. Even now the water is knee high in the bilge and rising faster than we can bail it out. We lived in harmony with the ship for years. But ever since you established the market your ‘businessmen’ have been tearing the ship apart. How can we continue to live if the ship is sinking?”

A loud crack as one of the spars snaps sending splinters raining down on the deck. Several well dressed passengers scramble to collect the pieces.

“You see, Tecumseh, even on a collapsing ship there is opportunity for profit. You can’t deny the genius of the market. And if the ship starts to sink the market will substitute another, better ship, as soon as it is profitable.”

“Sigh. Only when the last mast has snapped, the last plank has broken, and our ship is underwater will you realize that coin will not keep you afloat.”


Some things I’ve learned about the olympics from the NBC coverage in the US.

There really not much happening there most of the time. So they have to fill the time with shots of US gymnasts drinking from water bottles and sitting around in their chairs, or of US runners standing around in the hallway before the race.

I’ve heard rumors of other sports, but it seems the only ones that really are going on are the ones that US competitors are dominating.

The US is the best at everything. Other countries make mistakes, but US competitors are always flawless and in the front.

There is a lot of beach volleyball happening all the time.


I kind of wish I could be hopeful about this kind of thing, but I just can’t. The best case scenario I can imagine is somehow enough pressure is put on governments that they fine Exxon, or Shell, or all of them. Then the oil companies restructure into ‘Exxon Diversified Energy’ and ‘Exxon Oil Liability Corporation’. The liability corporation inherits the judgement, goes bankrupt, and nobody ever sees any money, and the ‘energy’ corporation, which got all the real assets in the restructuring, continues on business as usual.

Let’s be honest here. The real villains are the major capital owners, like the Koch brothers, who have been driving policy in these companies for decades. And our society is structured to insure that people like them never have to face punishment for what they do.


It’s well established in the Star Wars universe that all you need to create gravity is a floor. Take, for example, any scene from within any of the space ships. Gravity is never a problem.

Of course, a deep chasm also seems to create gravity, as seen in the first movie when Luke and Leia swing from one ramp to another to escape the stormtroopers chasing them.

Regardless, it’s easy to see from the blueprints that the layout is stacked like your first image.

Edit: upon closer examination it turns out it’s both. The plans show three ‘concentric surface decks’ that apparently work like your second image. So I guess the answer is ‘it depends on where you are in the death star’, and, I guess, which way ‘down’ is where you are.


I can’t tell if this is simply saying that you have the right to self-defense, which is obvious and agreed upon pretty much everywhere in the US, or whether it’s saying that, since we’ve all agreed not to kill each other if those guys want to murder us then we have the right to murder them. If it’s the later then either you don’t understand irony or you don’t really care about the ‘social contract’.

It sometimes feels like folks on this community are looking forward to a cultural civil war just as much as the right-wing maga nuts.
