Vin Diesels real name is Mark Sinclair and weve all accepted that too. Marilyn Manson’s name is Brian Warner and Alice Cooper was born Vincent Furnier. Stage names are pretty common with performers
There’s no way farming was only done 5 sporadic months of the year, that livestock keeping would allow you to just fuck off and not work that frequently, and they often did things like produce parts of their own cloths etc which I would count that much sewing/darning to be work let along the rest of the homesteading requirements…
My father use to send me into the voting booth with my mother to make sure she “remembered” who to vote for…no election officials ever stopped me from going in there and I was too young to understand that I was a spy. My father’s not violent but I’m sure I wasn’t the only child spy being used by men who were.
Why don’t these Republicans pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop waiting for handouts from Nancy Pelosi?