Yeah probably. I saw where either yesterday or a couple of days ago they posted a link to some sort of japanese website that they were going to start something like that on, but I can’t remember the name of it for the life of me.
I was super busy at work when they announced it and didn’t have time to create an account. Really regretting that now, but this is a great community too so it is what it is
I have family members who are otherwise not worried about having to save money who are dropping netflix as soon as they get done binge watching their current show. Why? because they are paying for four people to use the account, and because of their new rules their parents aren’t getting to use the account since they don’t live in the same house.
I hate to break it to you netflix, but octagenarians who have no idea how modern technology works aren’t going to understand how to setup an account, and they definitely aren’t going to want to deal with having to call their children every week when they are asked for the “permission code” just to have the privelege of accessing what their children are already paying for.
On top of this, I’m sure their children don’t want to have to deal with having to input this on a weekly (or however so often) schedule. It’s a frustrating situation all around, and I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea.
As someone who is interested in starting into the world of linux, was having a second hard drive necessary for creating a dual boot system or were you able to do it all on one hard drive?