In your example though, you said “when people [ask] me if I’m a boy or a girl…”, so it’s possible the above poster figured you were being asked that by a cis hetero person (since, as you point out, you’re unlikely to be asked that by a queer person). In that case, odds go up that the attack helicopter grossness might apply.
Yes! I love to reread my favorites. It’s like visiting old friends. Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the Rings, the Wheel of Time, Matilda, Watership Down. Can you look at a favorite painting too much? That’s how it feels to me- another visit to a beautiful work of art.
The way I’m reading that comment is that big noses are a Jewish stereotype, and since the studio decided to cast a white gentile and just stick a prosthetic nose on him, they’re leaning into that stereotype. They should’ve cast someone who was Jewish and also looked like the guy (as a whole… not only his nose).
Its origin story is problematic, but in reality most people only think of it as a food holiday… and maybe people go around the table and say what they’re thankful for. It’s pretty divorced from its roots, and the name itself isn’t an issue (unlike Columbus Day, for example). But I’m curious to hear other perspectives!
My family has always made beef stew for Halloween! Served with Hawaiian rolls and butter on the side :)
It’s pretty similar to this recipe (though personally I leave out the anchovies and pork):
I’m extra glad now that I don’t eat pork.