What is… a convoluted poorly overseen scheme to feed public money to cronies and businesses under the guise of keeping people employed. Sure a good portion of the smaller businesses followed the rules and ended up getting not enough to really make up the difference. But those big boys with their astute accounting departments fed from that money trough like the disgusting bloated economic hogs that they are.
The majority of my steam library and more, so many pre steam games I played ended up not finished. Might be easier to list the finished.
It is mind boggling to me that I share this planet with people so far detached from observable reality. Actually makes me question my own sense of reality. What horrendously blind and ignorant spots do I have.
Groups who throw around the phrase law-and-order, or similar platitudes almost always mean I want authoritarian organizations and I want them enforcing MY groups will against everyone else.
Or more commonly called lick-spittles who slather the biggest strongman’s shoes.
While discouraging and alarming, the fediverse is still pretty fresh territory and there is the opportunity to create a new community/magazine for those un happy with the displacement.
I do find the astro turfing and manipulation to be upsetting and hope there can be safeguards in place amongst the members to keep this from happening elsewhere.
Without watching the video, for me Patriotism was always supporting our country striving for improvements and finding pride in our accomplishments while correcting our errors.
Nationalism is just the our country is the best noone else is better and fuck anyone else. Also we never make mistakes and all we do is the beat.
A sort of extremist no thought approach to our country just because we were born here.
Patriotism requires thought nuance and a desire to build a better neighborhood so to speak.
Just my thoughts.
“Ooga booga booga! Be afraid of the red menace!!! Fear the commie marxist threats!!!”
Get fucking real that shit went out of fashion as soon as the USSR fell apart. Get a new boogie man this shit is as old and tired as a b-movie foam rubber suit thats showing zippers and tears.
No branch of Government should be above reproach, and to have these judges not beholden to an outside agency regarding ethical behavior is antithetical to a corruption free government. This current status erodes if not completely destroys any credible authority or respect the supreme court has.