Captain Minnette
Deep Space Nine. Not full re-watches, just going back to watch an episode or three.
I still go to reddit as a resource when looking up stuff online, but I no longer browse reddit. The only subreddit I consistently go to is the small one I moderate, as it’s large enough I can’t simply convince each individual personally to move to the fediverse, but small enough that trying to convert would result in negligible numbers here.
Original definition according to who? Best I can tell from reading the literature, the definition in the public sphere was changed to this definition in the 20th century. Papers wrote of state capitalism in the 1880s. By the 1890s in Germany, the idea had already arisen that perhaps state socialism isn’t possible as it will always become state capitalism.
This is a short write-up on a much longer blog post, so if you didn’t click the link embedded in the article text, I recommend you read Julio’s original blog post.
For years Firefox on Windows had this weird random bug for me where audio just would not work at random times. I tried every fix imaginable. I spent hours crawling the internet trying to find a solution. Couldn’t fix it. I’ve used it on Linux but not on Windows for a few years now; I’m going to be doing a fresh install of Windows on my computer soon, so we’ll see if the bug finally disappears then.